A time and season for every purpose under heaven.

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)


This verse from Ecclesiastes has a lovely way of touching our memories, helping us recall all the treasured moments of our lives. Knowing that our Almighty God has a season for everything is a beautiful and comforting truth.

Relishing the nostalgia, we think about major milestones:

  • the first cry as a newborn
  • our childhoods
  • graduation
  • a dream made real
  • the early days of adulthood
  • our wedding day
  • parenting

All these beautiful memories are truly gifts given by God.

What about the not-so-good moments – those seasons of darkness and pain – lodged deep in our hearts? We categorize painful or difficult times as “bad” and happy and helpful times as “good.”  Weighing our human logic and reason against Scripture can sometimes cause confusion. Thankfully, we have an all-knowing God who has ways above our ways and thoughts above our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).

If we continue reading through Ecclesiastes 3, we find that God uses the “bad” and “good” together, combining them into seasons that are beautiful and purposeful.

  • A time to be born and a time to die (2a) – God gives us beginnings and endings for our own good
  • A time to weep and a time to laugh (4a) – God created emotions for us to embrace
  • A time to search and a time to give up (6a) – God blesses both perseverance and surrender

We can cling to these important truths when fears try to weigh us down. The circumstances in life that seem bad to our eyes are taken by our great God and turned into something good.



For someone with chronic illness, hard seasons may come frequently – or may last much longer than a season. Perhaps you’re stuck in a winter so long that spring feels like a fairy tale. In those dark days, you may find it hard to read these verses with optimism, and that’s okay because grace abounds. God understands the burden you carry. Finding the laughter can be almost impossible when all you’ve done is weep. As one who journeys alongside you with chronic illness, let me encourage you to hold onto one more truth.

There is a time to heal. (Ecclesiastes 3:3a)

Healing is coming. It’s only a matter of time.

Perhaps it will be in your lifetime, and God chooses to be glorified through your healing here on earth. What an amazing testimony that would be!

Perhaps your healing will be in Heaven, and while I won’t tell you not to grieve, let me encourage you that choosing to walk with incredible pain in true grace and obedience is a testimony that can move mountains.

No matter your season, it has beauty and purpose despite the painful parts. God IS working all things for good (Romans 8:28). Remember that He has made everything beautiful in its time.



Heavenly Father, we thank You for the truth and encouragement we have in Your Word. We praise You that when our understanding fails, Your wisdom reigns. Help us see the beauty You are creating in even the darkest seasons. Give us the strength and comfort we need to live with grace despite our circumstances. Thank You for all Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  • How would you describe your current season of life?
  • Can you remember a time when God created something beautiful from a difficult season?
  • How can you remind yourself of the hope of healing?
Happy Bubbles
Elyse Simon

Elyse Simon

Contributing Writer

Elyse has a fondness for the outdoors. After a simple slip on the ice left her with chronic pain syndrome, she began to see how God does work all things for good. Armed with Biblical truth and her TENS unit, Elyse uses her experiences to encourage young adults with the message that they can thrive in the face of difficult circumstances.

Called to Hope

Called to Hope

Biblical hope is a settled, determined, and enduring confidence in who Jesus is and what He has promised. Our hope is in Christ alone. The mystery is Christ in us, the hope of glory.

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