“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105 ESV)
I love going on walking tours when traveling to new places. A few years ago, I took a night tour on which we were each given a lantern to carry as we followed the tour guide. At first, I thought the lanterns simply provided a fun mood. I soon realized that I really appreciated the light to guide me as we wandered through unfamiliar territory. Having the gentle glow in front of me allowed me to see if there was a puddle of water, a rise or fall in the ground, or something that could trip me.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105 ESV)
I’ve heard several people talk about this Scripture. They often explain how lamps in Bible times were small, oval-shaped bowls, made of clay and filled with olive oil and a wick. The lamp would give off a faint light illuminating only a small area. If you were walking on a dark night, you would probably only be able to see the next step in front of you.
This is so different from our modern-day flashlights with which we can send a strong beam of light in any direction to see far into the distance!
Picturing the Psalm 119 lamp deepens my understanding of this verse and what it means for me today with my illnesses. Oh, how He wants to guide me on this challenging path! His Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path as I take the next step.
He will guide me. He is guiding me — but one step at a time.
Because I know His character, I know with certainty that I can trust Him fully for the next step, even if I wish I could see further down the path.
I wonder if you can relate. There are so many situations in which we wish we knew not just the next step, but many more steps down the road (especially with our illnesses). But God is asking us to trust Him with just the next step. We don’t need to know everything — we can rest in the assurance that He knows what our future holds.
Once we take the first step, we can trust Him for the next … and the next. He gives light enough to see each one. What a blessing to be able to give the full journey over to the Lord! I don’t know about you, but releasing my pathway to God fills me with such peace.
Father, thank you that You have promised to guide each of our steps. Even when we can’t see the path in the distance, You give us assurance that You see it all and will graciously guide us. Thank You for how You have shown Yourself faithful in the past and that we can trust You for the future. What a weight can be lifted when we let You be the guide on this journey! Thank you, Father, for guiding us one step at a time. In Jesus name, amen
- How do you need to trust God to give you light for the next step?
- Do you need to ask Him to help you trust that He knows the full pathway?
- What attributes of God’s character help you know He is trustworthy?

Kara Plett
Staff Writer
Kara and her husband Conrad live in Calgary, Canada, where she taught for 28 years. She loves the Word of God and encourages others through her devotional writing. Kara felt led to write a book of devotionals (Searching for Sea Glass) when her journey with chronic illnesses pressed her more deeply into God’s arms of love. She prays that her journey and refinement will encourage your walk with God.

Stewardship of Courage
The stewardship of courage begins with a deep faith in God, is accessed by prayer, and is lived out in patient waiting and hopeful trust.
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