Downloadable Hope!
Resources, tips, and tools to encourage and inspire everyone affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability — more than 300 encouraging, FREE printables with more on the way. There’s something for everyone! Step in, check back, and download a little hope today.
The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
Chronic Joy offers 300+ beautifully designed FREE printables. There is something for everyone! From Verses to Comfort and Ecnourage to Creative Ways to Serve, from Praying the Psalms to Children’s activity sheets, from 76 Questions to Connect You as a Couple to 33 Biblical One Anothers. And there are always more coming!
Bookmark the page and check back often!
Looking for something we haven’t added yet? Pass it on and let us know!

11 Prayers for Cultivating a Heart of Kindness
Living with chronic illness, mental illness, and chronic pain can leave us exhausted, overwhelmed, and impatient, yet we are still called to be kind. Let these short prayers lead you back to God's heart of rich and generous loving-kindness.

13 Things That Might Resonate
With chronic illness, every day is an adventure! It isn't a life we would have chosen, but it is one we're learning to walk through with courage, tenacity, humor, and grace. We are so much more than our illnesses!

13 Verses to Lean Into
Lean into these verses, write them in a journal, choose one or two to memorize, and then think about who else might need to read them. The Word of God is alive and powerful, bringing us comfort in a way that nothing else can.

15 Practical Tips • Trauma Soul Care
These 15 practical tips can help us develop healthier ways to navigate everyday life.

16 Verses to Ignite Hope
In the middle of prolonged illness, it can seem like God doesn't see you. Weakness and stress can make it difficult to hold onto hope. However, God's strength never falters. Allow these scriptures to sink deep into your heart, igniting hope as He carries you.

17 Verses to Shatter Stigma
Do you struggle to believe that your mental illness is real? Do you feel shame or wonder if others believe it's real? With God, mental illness has no stigma. Scripture is balm for our souls as it speaks directly to our hearts.

18 Thought-Provoking Suffering & Joy Quotes
Invite a friend or family member to do an 18-Day Suffering & Joy discussion—or use the quotes as journaling prompts. On each day, read one quote. Talk about it. Think about it. Write about it. Pray.

19 Reflective Questions & Verses
We are invited by the One who is the Word to be inspired by the Word—to savor it, treasure it, learn from it, and hide it in our hearts. Let these verses and questions draw you into God’s presence, where He can quench your thirst and nourish your weary soul.

24 Questions & Prayers for Gatherings
Gatherings are times for reminiscing, laughter, and catching up. Yet sometimes, we carry past hurts, broken trust, and lingering disagreements with us. Asking intentional questions is a great way to invite conversation, grow empathy, facilitate trust, and strengthen relationships. Let’s lead with prayer, kindness, forgiveness, the hope of reconciliation, and the love of Jesus as we gather.

25 Verses to Comfort and Encourage
When we’re lonely, anxious, afraid, or overwhelmed, the most significant thing we can do is turn to the one who knows us and loves us completely – the God of all comfort.

30 / 365 Photo Challenge
This 30/365 photo challenge is a fun, personal challenge that only requires a commitment to pick up your camera, phone, tablet, or Go-Pro and capture a photo every day for a month—or a year!

33 Biblical One Anothers
Pray through these 33 Biblical One Another Verses, meditating on what it means to love one another deeply from the heart as we learn to walk each other home selflessly.

50 Prayer Journaling Prompts
Choose a quiet moment, open your journal, and begin with whatever thoughts are on your heart.

52 Questions of Jesus
Fifty-two of Jesus's 307 recorded questions in the Bible are listed here—one for each week of the year.

76 Questions to Connect You as a Couple
You can approach these questions slowly in any order you choose, one question and one conversation at a time over many months. This is an exploration and an opportunity to grow more deeply in love as you rediscover one another.
A – B

Accessible Poetry
Poetry is an invitation to explore your story in a new way, to write about moments or emotions without explicitly naming them, to play with the musicality of words and phrases, to choose words, punctuation, and line breaks carefully. There is no right or wrong way to read or write poetry, just an invitation to begin.

Allegory • Symbolic Storytelling
Allegory is a beautiful, artistic form of storytelling that allows us to explore difficult, painful, or vulnerable parts of our stories from a safer distance and a fictional character’s perspective.

Anxiety Exercises
When we feel anxious, afraid, overwhelmed, or in pain, seeking wonder in God's incredible creation draws us into His Presence, shifting our focus from our circumstances to who God is and how very much He loves us.

Ask Generous Questions: Listen with an Open Heart
Lean into the living presence of Jesus and cultivate a deeper relationship with one another. When we slow down and listen to each other, we grow together as the Body of Christ on earth.

Axe Head Prayer • Where Did You Lose Your Edge?
As we open our hands in surrender, speaking honestly with God about where our axe head flew off, what feels like loss actually grafts us deeper into Jesus. Ask God to show you where you lost your edge.

YOUR Biblical Purpose
Purpose is the reason something exists or was created. It is the reason we act or choose not to act. Purpose encompasses our intentions and objectives.

Breath Prayers
Considering its great size and power, an elephant must exercise self-control and restraint to effectively navigate and thrive. Likewise, breath prayers help us navigate and thrive through the elephant-sized gift of our breath (and the One who is with us in every breath).

Build a Healthier Marriage
As spouses, how can we pray for one another? Where can we intentionally invest in one another? How can we creatively carve out a little one-on-one time? What could we do to help us bond and share more of our lives?

Build An Ebenezer
Remembering God's Faithfulness
God’s people built Ebenezers, touchstones of help, to anchor them in truth in the midst of frightening, painful, difficult, or challenging circumstances.

Building Your Bucket List
A bucket list is an invitation to dream with God. Ideas don’t have to be grand or extravagant. Sometimes, the best adventures happen right in our own backyards. Creating your bucket list also provides opportunities to invite friends and loved ones to have rich conversations about their dreams.
C – G

Called to Hope
Biblical hope is a settled, determined, and enduring confidence in who Jesus is and what He has promised. Our hope is in Christ alone. The mystery is Christ in us, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)

Celebrate Little Things Everyday
Celebrate each small win, every tiny triumph, and every unexpected victory, even if today your milestone is just a pebble.

The Collect: An Ancient form of Prayer
The Collect is an ancient form of prayer meant to guide and focus the pray-er. Known for brevity, a Collect begins by recognizing who God is, what He is like, and what He does then collecting our thoughts on something specific, such as suffering, hope, pain, or peace.

Compassion Begins When We Suffer Together
Pain, cultivated by the Spirit’s compassion, invites us to care deeply, grow together, and suffer with one another so that none of us is isolated or alone. Pain opens the door to the Spirit’s compassion in us.

#ConnectByText • Texting as a Personal Ministry
It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day, offer a few words of comfort, keep in touch with a photo, or add a little light-hearted humor. A simple, heartfelt text can make all the difference. We may not be able to meet with friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors very often, but we can reach out and send a simple text. Texting can become a personal ministry.

#ConnectByText Tips
Looking for a great way to connect with, encourage, inspire, and love on others? Text them! It only takes a few minutes to brighten someone's day.

Coping with Grief
14 Ways to Make a Difficult Day Brighter • Grief is a journey requiring steady sips of hope, plates filled with God’s unbroken promises, the comfort of community, replenishing rest, and fresh air and sunshine.

Creative Photo Challenges
Photo challenges are fun, hope-filled invitations to pick up your camera, simply notice, and click.

Creative Ways to Use Chronic Joy Posts & Publications
Talking about the impact of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability on our lives can be incredibly difficult. Sometimes, we are unsure what we think or how we feel, either for ourselves or for our friends or loved ones.

Creative Ways to Serve
Chronic illness can make serving in traditional or culturally familiar ways challenging—but not impossible. Discover creative new ways to love God and others right where you are, however you are able.

Depression Self-Care Action Plan
Depression can make it difficult to practice healthy self-care. Building an Action Plan gives you quick, doable steps each day.

Devotional Guide
Chronic Joy® devotionals are an invitation to take one gentle step, to pray in a comforting and familiar or perhaps new-to-you way, or to cry out on behalf of one precious life today … maybe even yours.

Discovering Gratitude
Gratefulness is choosing to focus on God rather than our circumstances. Fixing our eyes on Jesus reminds us of His gracious, compassionate love and unending faithfulness.

Emotions Wheel
God created us with a complex range of emotions which can be difficult to identify and explain. The Emotions Wheel is a tool designed to grow our emotional intelligence, thus strengthening our relationship with God as well as our compassion and empathy for others.

Finding Your God-Given Purpose
Discovering our God-given purpose begins with trust, with learning to be present with God in each moment. It is less about why we were created and what we are created to do than about who we are created to be.

For A Mother's Soul
May God shower His blessings on all mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and mother-like figures! May He give grace and strength for all your days!

Generosity is a Beautiful Way of Life
We’re so grateful for every prayer, kind act, helping hand and dollar donated so that together, we can serve in meaningful and intentional ways all over the world. Without you, we simply couldn’t do what we do.

The Gift of Biblical Self-Compassion
Recognizing that Jesus suffers with us (that we are God’s beloved children who are also flawed by sin) is a first brave step towards self-compassion.
H – K

Healthy Boundaries
Healthy boundaries (an important part of self-care) create an understanding of what we have responsibility for and what is outside of our control. The healthier our boundaries are, the greater our capacity to offer empathy and love to others. We are responsible for what happens inside us and for the ways we act and relate to others.

The Heart of Radical Connection
Radical connection isn’t about who we click with or are comfortable with. It’s about forming deep relationships and investing in the people Jesus lays on our hearts to connect with on this leg of the journey.

Holy Attention
Eye-Spy • People Watching
Holy Attention draws us into fresh gratitude. When we pay close attention to creation, we can experience the awe and wonder of God’s infinite creativity.

Holy Attention
Sight & Scroll • Spot 1 • Feast
Begin by choosing something specific (a color, shape, sound, object, or even an idea) and looking or listening for it throughout your day. When you find it, take a picture of it or make note of it.

How is God calling me?
When we seek God’s calling for our lives, our journey begins with love, with who we are in Christ, and who we were created to be.

Hymns: An Enduring Journey of Prayer
Hymns are an often overlooked form of prayer. What are you struggling with today? Have you taken it to God in prayer? Hymns can help us express the deepest and greatest longings of our hearts.

Infinite Worth
He left the 99 to rescue me – yesterday, today, and always (Matthew 18:12 paraphrase). Our worth isn't based on who we are or what we can do but on who God is. We are the work of His hands.

I Will Give Thanks
Gratitude is a gift given to us by God. At its core, gratitude is about not taking anything for granted. Living a life of gratitude is about learning to draw near to God, being thankful for what we have, for who God is, and for who He created us to be.

An Infusion of Hope for Caregivers
God knows how overwhelming caregiving can be, how it can throw the whole balance of our lives inside out and upside down. As caregivers, we need a steady infusion of hope from God's word to do the work He has called us to do.

Intentional Kindness
30 Creative Ways
The kindness of Christ radiates through us when we are patiently present, as we notice and respond to others’ needs, when we ask thoughtful questions, and each time we extend genuine forgiveness.

Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory prayer is a conduit of God’s mercy and grace. As we pray for others, we grow in compassion, patience, and humility, learning to love one another as we love ourselves.

Joy is a Gift
Joy is a perpetual gladness of the heart and a deep sense of gratitude in the soul produced by the Holy Spirit, as he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in His creation, word, and works. Open your heart to these verses and quotes and discover that joy is a gift.

Kindness Multiplied
As you think about the kindness you have received and how that made you feel, pass it on to others. Using these creative ideas to inspire kindness will multiply kindness all around you.

Laughter is Good Medicine
Laughter is a respite from the difficulties and unexpected challenges of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability. Humor is an oasis of God’s joy in the midst of life’s storms.
L – M

Step in slowly. Sit with God. Allow yourself time and space to feel and experience your pain. When you’re ready, take up your pen and explore the precious and life-giving gift of lament.

Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is the ancient practice of slowly, contemplatively reading the words of Scripture, an invitation to encounter God through His Word, to pay close attention, and to be fully present.

Lessons from Biblical Couples
Marriage is a gift, a holy weaving of two imperfect people into one through a lifetime of difficult, beautiful, exasperating, and amazing mountain-top moments of God-ordained sanctification.

Living Brave
Living Brave begins with faith, with living authentically from the inside out. It’s messy and gritty, and reveals how much we really trust God.

Living a Life of Celebration
Don’t let the little moments, small blessings, or tiny triumphs slip by unnoticed or unacknowledged. Instead, pause. Give thanks. Join the chorus of creation and share your joy.

Make Your Life a Prayer
Make Your Life a Prayer supplies Scripture verses and quotes inviting you to step into God's compassionate and tender-hearted presence.

Mental Illness & Metaphor
It isn't easy for us as Christians to admit when we’re not doing well mentally or emotionally, but metaphors can build a bridge facilitating greater understanding, empathy, and compassion. Craft your own mental illness metaphor.

Metaphor • A Bridge Between Pain & Understanding
Metaphors spark new understandings by helping us express the difficult parts of our stories in more easily accessible ways. They also help us explain a situation others may have little or no experience with.

Metaphor • The Language of Pain
Chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability can be challenging for us to explain and equally difficult for others to understand, but metaphor can help bridge that distance.

Ministry of Reconciliation
The word "reconcile" (Greek root kapar, meaning to change or exchange) means to bring together or heal what is broken and encompasses our relationships with God and one another.

Movement • Body, Mind, and Soul
We often think of movement as going on a hike, participating in sports, lifting weights, swimming laps, doing Pilates, performing yoga, or dancing. Movement is inherent in everything. By God’s breath we all have life and movement.

One Minute Prayers for Parents
Just as God breathed life into us (Genesis 2:7), He breathed it into His Word (2 Timothy 3:16). The ancient rhythm of breathing that began in the Garden of Eden is repeated at least a dozen times a minute every day of our lives.
N – R

Pain's Greater Purpose
Pain, cultivated by the Spirit’s compassion, invites us to care deeply, grow together, and suffer with one another so that none of us is isolated or alone. Pain opens the door to the Spirit’s compassion in us.

Poetry as Prayer
Writing our own psalms is about learning to express our emotions unedited and giving voice to our joy and pain.
Writing haiku teaches us to focus on a single moment, awakening us to the wonder of creation.

Pray for One Another
Prayer can move mountains, usher in miracles, and change us, opening our minds to the suffering others face and the circumstances they experience. As we pray, we grow in gratitude, humility, and hope.

Prayers of Servant-Hearted Leaders
Being followers of Jesus, we are all called to listen, lead, and love. Prayer opens our hearts and eyes to those we can guide with a listening ear and a kind word. Begin with the prayers below, use them as they are, or create personal prayers of your own.

Prayers for Caregivers
Lord, thank You for the ministry of caregiving. Help me be flexible, kind, and intentional (especially when I'm weary) as I act as Your hands and feet. Amen.

Prayer of Examen
Beautiful in its simplicity, this ancient prayer of reflection helps refocus our hearts and minds. How often do we come to the end of a day and wonder where the time went or regret the way we handled a situation?

Prayers for Anxiety
Anxiety can make it difficult to find the words to pray. Use these short prayers to guide your thoughts until you are able to find your own. May you find encouragement, comfort , and peace.

Prayers for Depression
Depression can make it difficult to find the words to pray. Use these short prayers to guide your thoughts until you are able to find your own. May they bring comfort on dark days.

Mental Illness Prayers
God doesn't promise to heal mental illness, but He does promise to be with us in it. Through prayer, God meets us in our suffering. Use these short prayers as often as you need words to cry out to Jesus.

Prayers for Suffering
Sometimes, when our prayers seem to go unanswered, the most honest thing we can say is, “Lord, give me the courage to surrender my suffering to You one more time.”

Prayers for the Journey
These short prayers can strengthen, encourage, and inspire you to step into the comforting presence of God, where you are fully known, infinitely cared about, and deeply loved.

Prayers for Small Groups
Chronic Joy’s small-group prayer guidelines help facilitate safe, growing, and trusting small groups. Our nine small-group prayers will kickstart the prayer lives of those with chronic illness, mental illness, or chronic pain.

Prayers to Help Us Connect
May you find courageous connections for your journey with these prayers, first with Jesus and then (by the power of the Holy Spirit) with another person.

Prayers to Experience Greater Awe and Wonder
Illness and pain can dull our vision and dampen our sense of wonder, yet God’s extraordinary imprint is on display all around us. What if wonder is His invitation to be surprised again and again? What if wonder is the beginning of true worship?

Prayers to Eradicate Shame
Shame attacks the core of our identity, making us feel worthless, insignificant, and weak, isolating us from each other and from God. Shame withers when we are connected to the God of infinite worth, overwhelming compassion, and endless love. May these words help you enter into prayer when shame is weighty and raw.

Praying & Writing the Psalms
What is your favorite Psalm? Why? When did you choose it? What was happening in your life at the time? Have you ever considered writing your own psalm?

Praying Through Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can be difficult and unyielding, causing us to feel overwhelmed, misunderstood, and sometimes even desperate. When words are few, let these prayers and questions guide you into the presence of God, where you are known, seen, and loved completely.

Promise of Abundant Peace
God’s peace is altogether different from the peace of the world because God’s peace is not a gift; it’s a person: God’s own Son, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. God’s peace is abundant, unspeakable, generous, plentiful, extravagant, lavish, expansive, affectionate, and never-ending.

Promises for Parents
Parenting is hard work and parenting children with chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, or disability adds unique and sometimes difficult challenges. But what we do every day matters, for it is eternally significant.
S – Y

Self-Care • Body & Connection
Practicing physical self-care is showing your body simple kindness, generously giving it what it needs, and doing things that help you live well. Connection with others is rooted in love, nourished through prayer, and strengthened by brave vulnerability.

Self-Care for your Emotions & Mind
Exercise your brain, keep your mind sharp, redirect your thoughts, and focus on what is positive and true with these ideas. Emotional self-care helps us identify what we’re feeling and how to express it in healthy ways.

Self-Care for your Soul
Spend a little time getting to know God better: who He is, what He’s like, how He feels about us, and how He acts toward His creation. Sabbath rest helps us discover the peace only found when we trust in God's presence.

Servant-Hearted Leadership
What kind of leader am I? Am I drawn by God's call to serve the precious people He has placed right in front of me? Do I celebrate, encourage, and listen to others?

Service in a Box & Bookmark It!
Service in a Box is everything you need to encourage, strengthen, inspire, and love on those who are nearest and dearest to you. Check out a variety of options in our store. Or start with just one. Print out any of our printable guides and tuck them in an envelope with a note of encouragement and brighten a day
Serving made simple with a variety of Service in a Box options available in our store.

Sing! Dance! Praise! Celebrate!
Celebration is an essential expression of the character of God, a reflection of our Creator God in His creation. Give thanks. Make merry. Rejoice. Worship.

Small Group Roles
This downloadable PDF provides helpful tips for organizing your small group and defining group roles.

So Sings My Soul
Music fills the pages of Scripture, woven into creation from the very beginning—before the birth of the earth or the creation of man. Even God sings! Singing is a ministry belonging to all the people of God for the great glory of God.

Sorrow, Lament & Grief
Grief is no stranger to those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability. It is both a universally-shared human experience and uniquely individual.

#StepRepPray Guide
With your doctor’s guidance and a little creativity, exercising with chronic illness is not only possible but can also be rewarding.

Stewardship of Courage
The stewardship of courage begins with a deep faith in God, is accessed by prayer, and is lived out in patient waiting and hopeful trust.

Stories, Jesus & Trees
When our roots are grafted to God’s, we are linked to believers around the world and across time. Do you feel disconnected today? Reach out and share the love of Jesus. It’ll strengthen your faith and renew your spirit.

Story Matters
Creatively Express Your Story
We can feel isolated and powerless when living with chronic illness, but what if your story begins to bridge the gaps? What if your story offers a glimmer of hope to someone standing at the edge of hopelessness?

The Story Told Through Our Scars
Where we’ve been fractured, we can offer empathy and compassion. Where we’ve been wounded, we can speak of hope. And where we have been ground into dust, God’s light shines bright.

Telling Your Medical Story
What is a Medical Story? In order for our healthcare teams to build the best possible treatment plans for us, we need to learn to keep well-maintained logs with symptoms (and their severity), medications, treatments, dates, and brief notes. Keep track with our Medical Story Log.

Text Starters!
We've all heard it! Texting is a terrible way to communicate, but it's possible to connect, encourage, celebrate, and remind loved ones of how dearly loved they ... yes, by text! Loving one another makes all the difference. So open that app and text someone today! You'll both be glad you did.

What are Your Grace Gifts?
How has God gifted you? Where do you feel His gentle nudge to love one another? Do you feel the Spirit's tug to get involved? A grace gift is a beautiful Holy Spirit-inspired act of ministry that works harmoniously with the gifts given to the Body of Christ.

Where do I discover hope?
If you feel overwhelmed and need encouragement, these verses will give you courage and confidence. Why not meditate on them throughout your day and share them with your friends?

Where do I find joy?
Joy is discovered in big events and in small, seemingly insignificant moments, in both mountain-top experiences, and smaller expressions we can easily overlook, like a kind word or a helping hand.

Who does God say you are?
God sees you as someone of infinite value. He sees who you are in Christ, and who you will become as the Holy Spirit lives and breathes in you.

Wonder Leads to Worship
When was the last time you were wonderstruck? How long has it been since something took your breath away? Wonder invites us to be surprised by God, to stand in awe of His holy mystery, and to recognize His extraordinary in our ordinary. Wonder leads our hearts into worship.

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide
Wonder Walks is an invitation to savor God’s holy fingerprint in every atom of creation, to engage our senses, to cultivate curiosity, to listen for His still small voice, and to delight in His extraordinary creativity.

Wonder Walks • Trail Signs
Wonder nourishes our souls, inviting us to feast on the inexplicable mystery of the Holy, witnessing God's fingerprint in every atom of creation.

Words are Powerful
Ask your spouse which of these phrases is meaningful to them or if there are other phrases they would like to hear. Both you and your spouse could highlight phrases on either side of this printable to help you remember what is powerful to your spouse.

You Are So Loved
Do you love yourself as God loves you? Do you live as if you’re valuable? Do you live as if you’re set free?

Chronic Joy Statement of Faith
We believe in salvation by grace, a free gift from God, given to all who believe in His Son Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Annual Report
Chronic Joy's mission field is tremendous - more than half the world’s population - yet our ministry focus is always one precious life at a time.

Our Programs
We offer a wide variety of programs to meet the needs of all those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

Who We Are & What We Do
Chronic Joy is a global resource ministry dedicated to compassionately serving all those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

At its core, friend-raising is all about relationship and it begins with story – our why - why we give, serve, pray, and invest in the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy.

Service in a Box & Bookmark It!
Service in a Box is everything you need to encourage, strengthen, inspire, and love on those who are nearest and dearest to you. Check out a variety of options in our store. Or start with just one. Print out any of our printable guides and tuck them in an envelope with a note of encouragement and brighten a day
Serving made simple with a variety of Service in a Box options available in our store.

Build an Illness Ministry
This practical guide walks you through the first steps toward building a chronic illness small group.