Prayer Journaling can become a touchstone of God’s love and faithfulness and a reminder of His Presence.

Prayer Journaling


A prayer journal can become a touchstone of God’s love and faithfulness, a reminder of His Presence, and a testimony to God’s abundant mercy and grace.

My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. (Psalm 45:1)

Prayer Journaling is a creative way to nurture and strengthen our relationship with God. Some days, it might look like a bullet list, other days like a love letter, but always, it becomes a touchstone of God’s love and faithfulness, a reminder of His Presence, and a testimony to God’s abundant mercy and grace.

Your Prayer Journal is an intimate and personal meeting place for you and God. Choose a frequency (daily, weekly, occasionally) and a format (handwritten, typed up, in an online app) that enhances your time with Him. Fill it with the words of your heart, the longings of your soul, and the faithful and abiding Presence of God.

Don’t edit or censor your words. God already knows what you feel and why. “Before a word in on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely.” (Psalm 139:4)




A growing relationship with God requires the fertile soil of open and honest communication.

Sometimes, though, it’s difficult to see God’s Hand at work in our lives, especially during seasons of struggle – weeks of increased pain, sustained loss, overwhelming grief, illness flares, financial instability, or confusion.

Prayer journaling can draw us into God’s Presence, nourishing and strengthening our faith as the words flow from heart to page.

As we write, we begin to perceive God’s nearness in new ways, discovering the incredible complexity of all He orchestrates in every breath of every single moment of our lives. He is Immanuel – God with us. Present. Attentive. Engaged.

Are you ready to step in?


Choose a quiet moment and a comfortable spot, pick up your pen, and open your journal to a fresh page. Begin with whatever thoughts are on your heart.

There is no pressure to write neatly or even legibly. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Just be open and honest with God. No one ever has to read what you write.

Use these prompts as a tool, a place to begin, and a way to get started.


50 Prayer Journaling Prompts

Choose a quiet moment, open your journal, and begin with whatever thoughts are on your heart.

18 Thought-Provoking Suffering & Joy Quotes

Invite a friend or family member to do an 18-Day Suffering & Joy discussion – or use the quotes as journaling prompts. On each day, read one quote. Talk about it. Think about it. Write about it. Pray.

Verses to Comfort and Encourage

25 Verses to Comfort and Encourage

When we’re lonely, anxious, afraid, or overwhelmed, the most significant thing we can do is turn to the one who knows us and loves us completely – the God of all comfort.

Happy Bubbles

Journaling Posts

Going Deeper with Journaling

Whether you’ve been journaling for a while or you only recently started, you might recognize the benefits, but also wonder how you can get more out of it. Here are some suggestions to help you go deeper with journaling.


Get the most out of journaling.
Happy Bubbles

BOOKS We Love • Prayer Journaling

100 Names of God

100 Names of God Daily Devotional

Christopher D. Hudson

Experience the peace, joy, and hope that come from deepening your understanding of who God is with this beautiful devotional. From Adonai to Jehovah-Jireh, each of these stunning full-color daily devotions usher you into the very presence of God by having you reflect on who God is. In God’s names, you will find new reasons to worship Him, trust Him, and praise Him even more!

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Praying the Names of God

Praying the Names of God

Ann Spangler

Discover a fresh experience of God’s love and power by exploring the Hebrew names of God revealed in Scripture. Names in the ancient world did more than simply distinguish one person from another, they often conveyed the essential nature and character of a person. This is especially true when it comes to the names of God recorded in the Bible: El Shaddai, Elohim, Adonai, Abba, El Elyon–God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, Father, God Most High.

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The Examen Journal

The Examen Journal: Finding God Every Day

Mary Williams

The Examen Journal is a prayer tool to empower you to reflect on your daily highs and lows to explore God’s presence in your life. Meaningful questions guide your journal entries. Your conversations with God are collected in one place to keep and pray over. The Examen Journal doesn’t require a theology background, scripture knowledge, or a structured study plan. All you need is an honest heart, the desire to be with God, and a few minutes each day.

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100 Names of God

The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms

Timothy Keller

The book of Psalms is known as the Bible’s songbook. Jesus knew all 150 psalms intimately and relied on them to face every situation, including his death. The Songs of Jesus is based on Keller’s accumulated years of study, insight, and inspiration recorded in his prayer journals. Inviting readers into the vast wisdom of the Psalms, Keller guides us in finding distilled meaning in each verse.

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In Biblical times, names carried great weight, because they not only revealed a person’s character but often were also prophetic.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, God is called by many names, each expressing a truth about His nature or a promise to His people. The first name He spoke was in Genesis 17:1, when He said to Abram, “I am God Almighty” – El Shaddai.

As we learn and journal about God’s names, our relationship with Him is strengthened, deepened, and enriched. As we journey through God’s Word, He will reveal Himself through His names, teaching us to know Him better, to depend on Him more, and to love Him more deeply.

  1. Advocate1 John 2:1
  2. Almighty OneRevelation 1:8
  3. AlphaRevelation 1:8
  4. AmenRevelation 3:14
  5. Angel of the LordGenesis 16:7
  6. Anointed OnePsalm 2:2
  7. ApostleHebrews 3:1
  8. Author and Perfecter of our FaithHebrews 12:2
  9. Authority Matthew 28:18
  10. BeginningRevelation 21:6
  11. Beloved Son of God Matthew 3:17
  12. Bishop of Souls1 Peter 2:25
  13. BranchZechariah 3:8
  14. Bread of LifeJohn 6:35,48
  15. BridegroomMatthew 9:15
  16. CarpenterMark 6:3
  17. Chief Cornerstone Psalm 118:22
  18. Chief Shepherd1 Peter 5:4
  19. The ChristMatthew 1:16
  20. Comforter Jeremiah 8:18
  21. Consolation of IsraelLuke 2:25
  22. CornerstoneEphesians 2:20
  23. DayspringLuke 1:78
  24. Day Star2 Peter 1:19
  25. DelivererRomans 11:26; 1 Thessalonians 1:10
  26. Desire of NationsHaggai 2:7
  27. (The) Door John 10:9
  28. EmmanuelMatthew 1:23
  29. EndRevelation 21:6
  30. Everlasting FatherIsaiah 9:6
  31. Faithful and True WitnessRevelation 3:14, 19:11
  32. First Fruits1 Corinthians 15:23
  33. FoundationIsaiah 28:16
  34. FountainZechariah 13:1
  35. Friend of SinnersMatthew 11:19
  36. Gate for the SheepJohn 10:7
  37. Gift of God2 Corinthians 9:15
  38. GodJohn 1:1
  39. Glory of GodIsaiah 60:1
  40. Good ShepherdJohn 10:11
  41. GovernorMatthew 2:6
  1. Great High Priest Hebrews 4:14
  2. Great ShepherdHebrews 13:20
  3. GuidePsalm 48:14
  4. Head of the ChurchColossians 1:18; Ephesians 1:22
  5. High PriestHebrews 3:1
  6. Holy One of IsraelIsaiah 41:14
  7. Holy Servant Acts 4:29-30
  8. Horn of SalvationLuke 1:69
  9. I AmExodus 3:14, John 8:58
  10. Immanuel Isaiah 7:14
  11. Indescribable Gift 2 Corinthians 9:15
  12. JehovahPsalm 83:18
  13. JesusMatthew 1:21
  14. Judge Acts 10:42
  15. King of IsraelMatthew 27:42
  16. King of Kings1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14, 19:16
  17. Lamb of GodJohn 1:29
  18. Last Adam1 Corinthians 15:45
  19. LifeJohn 11:25
  20. Light of the WorldJohn 8:12; John 9:5
  21. Lion of the Tribe of JudahRevelation 5:5
  22. Lord of All Philippians 2:9-11
  23. Lord of Lords1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16
  24. MasterMatthew 23:8
  25. Mediator1 Timothy 2:5
  26. MessiahJohn 1:41
  27. Mighty GodIsaiah 9:6
  28. Mighty One Isaiah 60:16
  29. Morning StarRevelation 22:16
  30. NazareneMatthew 2:23
  31. OmegaRevelation 1:8
  32. One Who Sets Free John 8:36
  33. Our Hope 1 Timothy 1:1
  34. Passover Lamb1 Corinthians 5:7
  35. Peace Ephesians 2:14
  36. PhysicianMatthew 9:12
  37. Potentate 1 Timothy 6:15
  38. PriestHebrews 4:15
  39. Prince of PeaceIsaiah 9:6
  40. ProphetMark 6:4; Acts 3:22
  1. PropitiationI John 2:2
  2. PurifierMalachi 3:3
  3. RabbiJohn 1:49
  4. Ransom 1 Timothy 2:6
  5. RedeemerIsaiah 41:14, Job 19:25
  6. RefinerMalachi 3:2
  7. RefugeIsaiah 25:4
  8. ResurrectionJohn 11:25
  9. RighteousnessJeremiah 23:6
  10. Risen Lord 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
  11. RockDeuteronomy 32:4; 1 Corinthians 10:4
  12. Root of DavidRevelation 22:16
  13. Rose of SharonSong of Solomon 2:1
  14. Ruler of God’s CreationRevelation 3:14
  15. SacrificeEphesians 5:2; 1 John 4:10
  16. Savior2 Samuel 22:47; Luke 1:47, 2:1
  17. Second Adam1 Corinthians 15:47
  18. Seed of AbrahamGalatians 3:16
  19. Seed of David 2 Timothy 2:8
  20. Seed of the WomanGenesis 3:15
  21. ServantIsaiah 42:1
  22. Shepherd1 Peter 2:25
  23. ShilohGenesis 49:10
  24. Son of DavidMatthew 15:22
  25. Son of GodLuke 1:35
  26. Son of ManMatthew 18:11; Luke 19:10
  27. Son of MaryMark 6:3
  28. Son of the Most HighLuke 1:32
  29. StoneIsaiah 28:16
  30. Sun of RighteousnessMalachi 4:2
  31. Supreme Creator Over All Colossians 1:16-17
  32. TeacherMatthew 26:18
  33. True VineJohn 15:1
  34. TruthJohn 8:32; 14:6
  35. Victorious One Revelation 3:21
  36. WayJohn 14:6
  37. Wonderful CounselorIsaiah 9:6
  38. WordJohn 1:1
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When we see something from a different perspective, it can catch our attention in a new way. Unfamiliar words can cause us to pause and slow down rather than skimming or scrolling by.

Perhaps learning God’s Greek and Hebrew names is one of those ways. We might be familiar with a few (like Abba or El Shaddai) though we likely haven’t heard of others (such as Elohenu Olam or Peleh Yo’etz). Take a few minutes and read through these 81 names. When one catches your attention, read its translation, then turn to the Scripture verse and read it in context. Ask God what He wants to show you about Himself through that name, then journal the thoughts on your heart.

Enjoy this journey of discovering a greater intimacy with God.

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  1. ‘Ab – “Father” – Psalm 68:5
  2. Adonai – “Master Over All” – Deuteronomy 3:24
  3. El Bethel – “The God of the House of God” – Genesis 35:7
  4. El Elohe Yisrael – “The Mighty God of Israel” – Genesis 33:20
  5. El Elyon – “The Most High God” – Daniel 3:26
  6. El Emunah – “The Faithful God” – Deuteronomy 7:9
  7. El Hakabodh – “The God of Glory” – Psalm 29:3
  8. El Hayyay – “God of My Life” – Psalm 42:8
  9. El Kanna – “Jealous God” – Exodus 20:5
  10. El Nekamoth – “God that Avenges” – Psalm 18:47
  11. Eli Maelekhi – “God My King” – Psalm 68:24
  12. El Rai – “God Sees Me” – Genesis 16:13
  13. El Sali – “God, My Rock” – 2 Samuel 22:47
  14. El Shaddai –“Almighty God” – Genesis 17:1
  15. El Simchath Gili – “God My Exceeding Joy” – Psalm 43:4
  16. Elohe Tishuathi – “God of My Salvation” – Psalm 51:14
  17. Elohe Tsadeki – “God of My Righteousness” – Psalm 4:1
  18. Elohe Yakob – “God of Jacob” – Psalm 20:1
  19. Elohei Chasdi – “God of my Kindness, Goodness, and Faithfulness” – Psalm 59:17
  20. Elohei Haelohim – “The God of gods” – Deuteronomy 10:17
  21. Elohei Marom – “God of Heights” – Micah 6:6
  22. Elohei Mikkarov – “God Who is Near” – Jeremiah 23:23
  23. Elohei Ma’uzzi – “God of My Strength” – 2 Samuel 22:33
  24. Elohei Tehillati – “God of My Praise” – Psalm 109:1
  25. Elohenu Olam – “Our Everlasting God” – Psalm 48:14
  26. Elohim – “The Strong, Creator God” – Genesis 1:1, 2
  27. Elohim Bashamayim – “God in Heaven” – Joshua 2:11
  28. Elohim Chaseddi – “The God of My Mercy” – Psalm 59:10
  29. Elohim Chayim – “The Living God” – Joshua 3:10
  30. Elohim Kedoshim – “Holy God” – Joshua 24:19
  31. Elohim Machase Lanu – “God Our Refuge” – Psalm 62:8
  32. Elohim Ozer Li – “God My Helper” – Psalm 54:4
  33. Elohim Shophtim Ba-arets – “God that Judges in the Earth” – Psalm 58:11
  34. Elohim Tsebaoth – “God of Hosts” – Psalm 80:7
  35. Ehyeh asher Ehyeh – “The Eternal, All-Sufficient God” – Exodus 3:14
  36. Esh Oklah – “A Consuming Fire” – Deuteronomy 4:24
  37. Go’el – “Kinsman Redeemer” – Exodus 15:13
  38. Immanuel – “God With Us” – Isaiah 7:14
  39. Jehovah – “Lord, Master and Relational God” – Genesis 2:4
  40. Jehovah Adon Kol Ha-arets – “The LORD, the Lord of All the Earth” – Joshua 3:11
  41. Jehovah Chereb – “The LORD…the Sword” – Deuteronomy 33:29
  42. Jehovah El Elohim – The LORD God of gods, The LORD, Mighty, Powerful, Strong One Over All” – Joshua 22:22
  1. Jehovah El Elyon – “The LORD, the Most High God” – Genesis 14:22
  2. Jehovah El Gemuwal – “The LORD God of Recompense” – Jeremiah 51:56
  3. Jehovah Elohim – “The LORD God” – Genesis 2:4
  4. Jehovah Elohim Ab – “The LORD God of Your Forefathers” – Joshua 18:3
  5. Jehovah Elohim Tsaba – LORD God of Hosts” – Psalm 59:5
  6. Jehovah Elohim Yeshua – “The Son of God” – Matthew 16:16
  7. Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah – “The LORD Mighty in Battle” – Psalm 24:8
  8. Jehovah Goelekh – “The LORD Thy Redeemer” – Isaiah 60:16
  9. Jehovah Hashopet – “The LORD the Judge” – Judges 11:27
  10. Jehovah Hoshiah – “O LORD Save” – Psalm 20:9
  11. Jehovah Immeka – “The LORD is with You” – Judges 6:12
  12. Jehovah Jireh – “The LORD Will Provide” – Genesis 22:14
  13. Jehovah Kanna Shemo – “The LORD Whose Name is Jealous” – Exodus 34:14
  14. Jehovah Machsi – “The LORD My Refuge” – Psalm 91:9
  15. Jehovah Magen – “The LORD My Shield” – Deuteronomy 33:29
  16. Jehovah Maginnenu – “The LORD Our Defense” – Psalm 89:18
  17. Jehovah Malakh – “The Angel of the Lord” – Genesis 16:7
  18. Jehovah Mauzzi – “The LORD My Fortress” – Jeremiah 16:19
  19. Jehovah Mekaddishkem – “The LORD that Sanctifies You” – Exodus 31:13
  20. Jehovah Ha-Melech – The LORD the King” – Psalm 98:6
  21. Jehovah Mephalti – “The LORD My Deliverer” – Psalm 18:2
  22. Jehovah Moshiekh – “The LORD Your Savior” – Isaiah 49:26
  23. Jehovah Metsudhathi – “The LORD My High Tower” – Psalm 18:2
  24. Jehovah Nissi – “The LORD My Banner” – Exodus 17:15
  25. Jehovah Ori – “The LORD My Light” – Psalm 27:1
  26. Jehovah Roi – “The LORD My Shepherd” – Psalm 23:1
  27. Jehovah Rophe – “The LORD (our) Healer) – Exodus 15:26
  28. Jehovah Sal’l – “The LORD My Rock” – Psalm 18:2
  29. Jehovah Shalom – “The LORD (our) Peace” – Judges 6:24
  30. Jehovah Shammah – “The LORD Is There” – Ezekiel 48:35
  31. Jehovah Tsaba – “LORD of Hosts” – 1 Samuel 17:45
  32. Jehovah Tsemach – “The Branch of the Lord” – Isaiah 4:2
  33. Jehovah Tsidkenu – “The LORD Our Righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6
  34. Kadosh – “The Holy One” – Isaiah 40:25
  35. ‘Or Goyim – “Light of the Nations” – Isaiah 42:6
  36. Peleh Yo’etz – “Wonderful Counselor” – Isaiah 9:6
  37. Ruach Elohim – “The Spirit of God” – 1 Samuel 10:10
  38. Ruach Hakkodesh – “Holy Spirit” – Psalm 51:11
  39. Sar Shalom – “Prince of Peace” – Isaiah 9:6
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