Printables • Children
Downloadable Hope!
Fun ideas and activities to encourage and inspire children affected by chronic illness. Check out these FREE printables for children and tweens, and there are always more coming. Step in, check back, download a little hope today.
Chronic Joy offers a wide variety of beautifully designed FREE printables for children and tweens. And there are always more coming!
Bookmark the page and check back often!

30 Days of Movement with the Sonshine Squad
Moving out bodies can be such fun, so join the Sonshine Squad, discovering fun ways to move every day for 30 days.

ABC Bible Verses
ABC Bible Verses are a fun way to hide God's Word in your heart every day. Make a Bible verse puzzle, build a Bible verse book, or practice your verse one minute at a time. Learn! Grow! Have fun!

The Amazing Maze
Do you know how amazing you are? Sometimes things are hard, but there is someone who always has time to listen to everything we have to say, who is OK with our tears and sadness, who is never too busy, and who is always exactly where we are. It's God!

Be Brave! Be Different! Be You!
Being brave doesn’t mean won’t be afraid or that we’ll never feel alone or misunderstood. We can be brave, because with Jesus we never are alone.

Bee a Peacemaker Bingo
CJ and the Sonshine Squad invite you to Bee a Peacemaker. Choose a square, read the invitation, and spread a little peace, love, and kindness with others. How many squares can you cross off? Have fun and spread a sparkle of hope everywhere you go!

Bee the Hope ... And Share the Peace
God is our hope. No matter what happens, He is with us. God cares about us, His Spirit prays for us, and His Son Jesus came to show us that God will never leave us no matter what.

Big Feelings & Leading Like Jesus
Let’s learn to spot BIG feelings and learn to be a leader. A leader is someone who helps others do the right things. Do you know who the very best leader is? It’s Jesus!

Big Questions Lead to a Big God
God will listen to your questions. He loves you so much that He will help you understand the answers to those hard questions. The answer may take a while to see, but He promised us that He will answer at just the right time.

Bite-Sized Kindness
Jesus is the best at being kind. And He loves it when we're kind. How could you share the kindness of Jesus today? How does it make you feel to be kind? How does it make those around you feel when you are kind?

Bugs in the Bible
Did you know that God’s little bugs and other small creatures are found in His Word? They are! Look up these verses and fill in the blanks.

Cami Chameleon Meets the Sonshine Squads
Cami Chameleon wanted to build an obstacle course with the Sonshine Squad, but she couldn't figure out what she was good at, except for blending in, so others couldn't even see her. But the Sonshine Squad helped and they figured it out together!t

Celebrate Friendship
Check out this fun activity sheet to encourage our Littles to celebrate the sweet gift of friendship. Siblings and pets can be friends too.

Celebrate with the Sonshine Squad
The Sonshine Squad is getting ready for a celebration. It’s a day to celebrate all the wonderful things God is doing. Why? Because YOU are a precious child of God. God knows you. God loves you. He calls us each by name — and that is worth celebrating every, single day!

Celebrating CJ Star
Did you know that CJ Star was the very first member of the Sonshine Squad? Over the years, CJ Star has gathered a whole squad of fun-loving, Jesus-led friends into the Sonshine Squad.

Color by Number
Coloring by Number is a wonder-filled way to spend a little time on a rainy day, when you’re not feeling your best, to help pass the time when you have to wait patiently, or when your hands just want to color.

Cope-Cakes & Alphabet Fun
Cope-Cakes are a fun way to remember your favorite coping skills. Sometimes it’s hard to be sick or in pain. CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad love to play and explore God’s world, and they’ve created a fun A-Z list so you can play and explore too!

Creative Christmas Activities
Did you know the word angel means messenger? The angel Gabriel brought special messages to Mary and Joseph and the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.

Emotions Wheel for Kids
The Emotions Wheel is designed to help children recognize and name the emotions they experience. As their emotional vocabulary grows, so does their ability to effectively communicate what and how they feel.

Even When I'm Hurting, I Can Be Kind
The Bible says, “[God] gives us comfort in all our troubles. Then we can comfort other people who have the same troubles.” (2 Corinthians 1:3b-4a NLV) What does that mean? It means you know what makes you feel better, so you can help someone else feel better too!

Finding God's Treasures
God tells us that sometimes our hearts will hurt. But He also tells us that when our hearts hurt, He is right there with us. God hides treasures for us in the hard times, reminding us that we are never alone, that He is with us through all of it.

The Fruit of the Spirit
Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit with the Sonshine Squad. The Fruit of the Spirit is: love., joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
(Galatians 5:22-23)

Fun-Sized Photography
Kid-friendly photography challenges are fun, and they're an easy way to express your creativity.
Go on a photo walk or scavenger hunt, notice shadows and light, pick a color and look for it everywhere, or click one picture every day for a week — or even a whole month!

Fun with Pen Pals
Did you know that writing helps us become better readers, boosts our confidence, and sparks our creativity? It does! And it can be great fun too. Join CJ Star, Neeley Joy, and Percy Puppy as they learn all about Pen Pals and Paper Airplanes.

God's Amazing Creation for Kids
Did you know that horses and cows sleep standing up or that a group of frogs is called an army? God’s creativity is amazing! Learn to notice and observe. Be curious. Have fun with scavenger hunts! Take a Counting Wonder Walk – and thank God for every WONDERful thing in His amazing creation!

Hop Along with the Sonshine Squad
Invite a friend to play this fun game.

How to Love Like Jesus
We can love like Jesus when we listen, sing, smile, tell a joke, dance, run, pray, and help others. We're also like Jesus when we're brave, quiet, and kind. Love like Jesus by just being you.

Kindness Confetti Cookies
Kindness Confetti Cookies are lots of fun to make and even more fun to share! Ask your favorite grown-up to help you in the kitchen where you can have fun together sprinkling kindness around like confetti!

Meet Flat Henry
This is Flat Henry! He’s on a grand adventure visiting friends and loved ones to do fun things and make new memories.

Meet the Sonshine Squad & 3 Things I Like About Me
Meet each member of the Sonshine Squad then fill in the stars with words or drawings that tell others three special things about you.

Musical Adventures
God has filled His world with music. It’s all around you. The Sonshine Squad is eager to share some of their favorite music activities with you. Are you ready?

Never Stop Praying
Have you ever tried to spend time talking to God and found it hard? Maybe your mind starts to wander, you can’t stay focused, or you get so frustrated that you just give up.

Owl Origami & Decorate for Christmas
Help the Sonshine Squad decorate for Christmas and learn to fold and origami owl.

Pint-Sized Prayer Prompts
The Bible says, "Never stop praying." (1 Thessalonians 5:17) That means you can pray about anything and everything, everywhere you are, and at any tim eof day, because Jesus is always with you.
Use these prompts to help you talk to Jesus. You can choose a different prompt every day.

Same & Different (Game)
It’s fun to be alike, but it’s also fun to celebrate how we’re different. God made each of us unique, but He also made us one big family. Have fun with the Sonshine Squad as they discover how they're alike and different. Then play your own game of Same & Different with a friend or family member.

Share the Laughter!
Enjoy these jokes and share them with your friends or loved ones. Then flip the sheet over and imagine what it might feel like to live upside-down for a day.

Sonshine Squad Obstacle Course & Where's Cami Chameleon?
Coloring Fun! Join the Sonshine Squad as they create an obstacle course then find Cami Chameleon among the jungle trees of Madagascar where she's from.

Sonshine Squad Birthday Games
Join the Sonshine Squad for a treasure hunting, treasure making birthday celebration! Learn to make your own Treasure Box, party hat and sash, birthday and thank you cards. Then let Obediah Owl help you make your very own game! And finally, play Pin the Heart on Sachi! Print Sachi Snail by clicking here.

Sonshine Squad Look-For Games
Look-For Scavenger Hunt, Everything You Can Do!, and Letters of the Alphabet are all fun ways to see all the amazing ways God loves us. With each activity, discover ways to say thank you to God.

Sonshine Squad Story Starters & Games
Telling stories can be so much fun! It’s not only good for our brains, but good for our imaginations, too! Did you know you can add motions, sounds, artwork, and creativity to your stories?

Sonshine Squad Story-Writing Tips
We each have a story to tell. You have a story to tell and your story matters. There are many creative ways to tell your story. You can write it, draw it, sing it, paint it, dance it, act it, or build it. Every story is unique -- and every story matters.

Snowflake & Snowman Fun
Have fun learning fun facts about snowflakes. Build your own Snowman Calm Down Jar with a trusted adult.

Valentines (CJ) • Color Your Own
CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad want to share a little Valentine's Day fun with friends and family.

Valentines (Liana) • Color Your Own
CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad want to share a little Valentine's Day fun with friends and family.

Wonder of Christmas
Did you know the word angel means messenger? The angel Gabriel brought special messages to Mary and Joseph and the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.

Wonder Walks • A Trail Guide for Kids
God created so many astonishing things and He invites us to discover His amazing creativity in everything He created. Wonder Walks: A Trail Guide is filled with fun questions and a great 7 Days of Creation Scavenger Hunt. Look! Learn! Wonder!

You Are So Loved
Do you love yourself as God loves you? Do you live as if you’re valuable? Do you live as if you’re set free?

You Are God's Masterpiece
Do you know what a masterpiece is? It’s the very best painting, sculpture, symphony, or work of art that someone can create. Some masterpieces are more than 2000 years old and they’re still famous! The Bible says, “We are God’s masterpiece.” (Ephesians 2:10)

Christmas Coloring Sheet
Have fun coloring the Sonshine Squad Gingerbread House. Color a Christmas tree. Add a shiny star, colored ornaments, canes, and Christmas lights.

Find Fun Ways to Move!
The Sonshine Squad loves to play “Shrug, shrug, Ladybug!” Every time they say “shrug,” they lift their shoulders to their ears and choose one friend to be hugged

God's Masterpiece

Jesus Says I Am...
God knows everything about me - my favorite animal, the color of my eyes, my favorite thing to do, how many hairs are on my head, if I'm happy or sad or mad, even the words I will say before I speak, and He loves me.

Under the Big Top
Join CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad as they have all kinds of circus fun "Under the Big Top!" Then it's your turn to create and color your very own Circus Train! Everyone's invited!

Joy (Coloring & Wordsearch)

Sonshine Squad Stationery

Storytellers, it's time to tell your story!
Tell your story any way you like. Draw your story, write your story, act out your story, dance your story, sing your story. Be creative and let your imagination shine!