Chronic Joy® • Pray. Serve. Give. Create. Ignite.

Chronic Joy Giving

We pray. We serve. We create. We give and God ignites!

When you pray, serve, create, or give to Chronic Joy, you speak hope and life to hearts around the world affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

 …do good, be rich in good deeds … be generous and willing to share. (1 Timothy 6:18)



Every dollar you give provides:


When you pray, serve, create, or give, you speak hope to hearts around the world affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

  Juanita in Colorado

  Skylar in Florida

  Joy in England

  Nancy in Ohio

  Elyse in Iowa

  Leslie in Alaska

  Karin in Canada

  George in Kentucky

•  Alison in Ireland

  Mike in Wisconsin

   Emily in Alabama

   Lisa in Finland

   Jo in Minnesota

•   John in England

   Tanya in Vermont

   Jane in New Mexico

   Bill in Illinois

   Gina in New Jersey

   Claudia in Connecticut

   Monica in Arizona

   Quincy in California

The testimonials from those we serve continue to fuel our hearts and hands to broaden our reach, inviting those who feel isolated, alone, and/or forgotten into radical community.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.  Steve Maraboli


We pray.

      We serve.

We give.

And God ignites!


God kindles the dream, whispers the call, and nourishes Chronic Joy through the sacrificial generosity of His people.

We invite you into the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy.

Today, will you:

  • pray?
  • open your heart to serve one another in love?
  • give the creative gifts of your hands, words, or voice?
  • live generously, giving your two coins, sharing your loaves and fish, or breaking open your alabaster jar for the broken, the weary, the hurting, the hopeless? 

Generosity is a vibrant and extraordinary expression of Jesus living in us and loving through us.

Today, will you step in and pour out to make a difference in someone else’s life — and in your own? 


Chronic Joy is a 501(c)3 non-profit run entirely by servant-hearted volunteers.

We have no paid staff, no facility costs, and we strive to be good stewards of every single dollar. Your donations fuel this ministry, serving the chronic illness community, and extending hope to those who often feel lonely, isolated, and forgotten.

      In 2023, 100% of spent donations empowered courageous connection initiatives for adults, teens, and children. With the expansion of Chronic Joy Publishing, we published three new books: Journey into Light, #PenToPaper: Note Starters for Every Day, and Servant-Hearted Leadership. In addition, more than 200 easy-to-use, FREE Printable guides are available on our website. We purchased a new computer for Cindee. Your generosity provided more than 7000 #PenToPaper packets as part of our global You Get Mail! program, including celebrating 836 birthdays.  

    In 2022, 100% of spent donations fueled key community-building initiatives for adults, teens, and children. We expanded the scope of Chronic Joy Publishing to include studies, devotionals, and devotional memoirs. We purchased a machine to fold all of the guides included in every envelope, which has delighted us more than you can imagine. Your generosity provided more than 6500 #PenToPaper packets as part of our global You Get Mail! program, including celebrating 634 birthdays.

     In 2021, 100% of spent donations cultivated community by addressing key topics like intentional kindness, being brave in the midst of illness, processing chronic grief, and wrapping people in prayer, both spiritually and literally with prayer shawls made by and for those in our community. Your generosity provided more than 4000 #PenToPaper packets to our mission field around the world and made our website more inclusive by adding an accessibility tool and providing tools for processing emotions and expressing creativity.

     In 2020, 100% of spent donations funded four #PenToPaper mailings (Over 4000 packets of encouragement and educational materials were mailed across the United States and around the world.), we made strides toward becoming more inclusive and accessible through the addition of audio for many of our posts, we added many new free printable “how to” guides, and we created hundreds of free images.

     In 2019, 95% of spent donations grew our prayer ministry, fueled the development of the Prayer Pond, facilitated #PenToPaper mailings, and provided postage for thousands of beautiful notecards so our community could #PrayItForward and encourage others.   

     In 2018, 82% of spent donations funded our 5 vital, key programs, continued to expand our prayer ministry, and purchased a much-needed computer to help us better serve our growing community.  

   •  In 2017, 93% of spent donations made it possible to continue providing free Bible studies, and enabled us to launch the Gift of Community (which provides tools and resources for small group formation).

   •  In 2016, 76% of spent donations were invested in the lives of those we serve, facilitating the Gift of Hope to 1,000 precious lives. It was a Remarkable Year.

Every day, we bring what we have (willing hearts and our simple loaves and fish) and God makes a way — in spite of illness, in spite of anxiety, in spite of daily pain, in spite of a spate of surgeries, in spite of overwhelming fatigue, and in spite of all we don’t know and the skills we do not have. In spite of what we lack – or maybe precisely because of it – God makes a way, because Chronic Joy isn’t our ministry, it’s His.

We pray. We serve. We create. We giveand God ignites! 

Generosity isn’t measured by the size of our gifts but by the intentions of our hearts. Giving from a grateful heart wells up and spills over to nourish and sustain others on this journey through life. 

   Chronic Joy is a Platinum Seal recipient for financial transparency at GuideStar. View our profile and full report.

Happy Bubbles

Blog Posts

Go, Stay and Give

Together has been an important word as I’ve invested my time in the ministry of Chronic Joy for the past years. Each day is filled with much learning for both my ministry partner, Cindee, and me – much leaning and pressing into the Father. He is building this ministry brick-by-brick, and we sense His pleasure as we give whatever we’ve got.


“Go where you’re sent, stay where you’re put and give what you’ve got.” Jill Briscoe

Thank You for investing in the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy. Your gift speaks hope and ignites change one precious life at a time.

“Thank You! Your generosity is making a difference in the lives of those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability every, single day.”

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