Prayer Pond • Your Safe Harbor for Prayer.

Prayer Pond


Share prayer requests, updates, and shouts of praise. It’s safe, secure, and always without judgment.

What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor! (Psalm 107:30)

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Share Your Prayer Requests at the Prayer Pond

You’re invited to share your prayer requests in a judgment-free zone. While we love to pray for you by name, we’ve included an anonymous option because we understand that sometimes just the effort to share a request is vulnerable and hard.

At Chronic Joy®, we pray for you. We pray over every request. If you share your address with us (which is always kept confidential), we would love to send you a note of encouragement.

Before you leave the Prayer Pond, please #PrayItForward by lifting others’ requests. When you click the “I PRAYED FOR THIS” button, the requester will get an email saying, “Someone just prayed for you.” What an honor to love and serve one another in prayer!

Whenever we pray – on sleepless nights, in the heat of the day, or as dawn breaks on a new day, God will hear us.

 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:  and he shall hear my voice. (Psalm 55:17) 

You are a precious, vital member of the Kingdom of God and of this community. We’re glad you’re here. Grateful for your presence. Blessed to lift you in prayer.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Please pray for me. I have a rare medical illness that affects my whole body, and has gotten worse, and it is very difficult to find a Dr. I am a senior citizen. I need help but even using my eyes is painful. Please pray God can guide me to the right medical help, I am weak and scared. Thank you

Received: May 1, 2024

Happy Bubbles

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Happy Bubbles

Free Prayer Printables

Prayers for the Journey

These short prayers can strengthen, encourage, and inspire you to step into the comforting presence of God, where you are fully known, infinitely cared about, and deeply loved.

Prayer is...

Make Your Life a Prayer

Make Your Life a Prayer supplies Scripture verses and quotes inviting you to step into God's compassionate and tender-hearted presence.

15 Prayers to Share • Note Starters

These prayers are an invitation to settle in with God. Then an opportunity to love one another. Pull out a Chronic Joy flat card, and share a meaningful prayer with a friend of loved one. It's always the right time to #PrayItForward.

Happy Bubbles

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