Longing for light in the darkness.

Depression Posts, Books & More

Longing for light in the darkness.

Depression isn’t a surprise to God and doesn’t disqualify us from making an impact for the Kingdom. Hold onto hope. God is here.

…although I dwell in darkness, the LORD is my light. (Micah 7:8)



Depression Self-Care Action Plan

Depression can make it difficult to practice healthy self-care. Building an Action Plan gives you quick, doable steps each day.

Posts about Depression

Letting God’s Peace Rule Our Hearts

The most healing aspect of my journey to peace of mind was eternal, living, and active: Scripture. Slowly, God’s promises and grace penetrated the lies I had believed and replaced them in my mind. God's peace passes all understanding.


Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.

Books WE LOVE • Depression

Bright Days Dark Nights With Charles Spurgeon: In Triumph Over Emotional Pain

Elizabeth Ruth Skoglund

Millions read the words of the great nineteenth-century preacher Charles Spurgeon without knowing that his ministry succeeded during the seasons of overwhelming emotional pain and deep depression this great man of God encountered.

Spurgeon confronted emotional problems with an acceptance based on physical, emotional, and spiritual causes and cures.

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Christians Get Depressed Too: Hope and Help for Depressed People

David P. Murray

Many Christians mistakenly believe that true Christians don’t get depressed, and this misconception heaps additional pain and guilt onto those who are suffering from mental and emotional distress. The author exposes misconceptions some Christians have about the causes and treatments of depression.

Readers discover that depression is a complex problem that defies superficial answers and provides help and hope to those suffering from depression, caregivers, pastors, and churches.

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Companions in the Darkness: Seven Saints Who Struggled with Depression and Doubt

Diana Gruver

The depressed have often been ostracized or institutionalized. But looking back in church history we find others who are companions in the darkness. They include some of our most beloved saints – Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King Jr. The author tells their stories in fresh ways and offers a wealth of practical wisdom for those in the darkness and those caring for them.

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Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey through Depression

Michelle Bengtson

Dr. Bengtson writes with deep compassion, blending her training and faith, to offer readers hope grounded in God’s love and grace. She helps readers understand what depression is, how it affects them spiritually, and what, by God’s grace, it cannot do. The result is an approach that offers the hope of release, not just the management of symptoms. For those who struggle with depression and those who want to help them, discover hope for the future.

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Is Your Teen Stressed or Depressed?: A Practical and Inspirational Guide for Parents of Hurting Teenagers

Is Your Teen Stressed or Depressed?: A Practical and Inspirational Guide for Parents of Hurting Teenagers

Dr. Arch Hart and Dr. Catherine Hart Weber

The teen years are complicated and challenging enough without the addition of contemporary society’s increased pressures.  It’s no wonder many teens are overwhelmed. The result is a generation experiencing greater stress and feeling more depressed than any other. Discover practical suggestions, spiritual solutions, and encouragement in Is Your Teen Stressed or Depressed? This resource helps parents and teens face their feelings of fear, anger, and hurt.

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Out of the Cave: Stepping into the Light when Depression Darkens What You See

Chris Hodges and Rick Warren

Depression is the number one health issue in the world today, yet those who suffer are still sometimes stigmatized—especially followers of Jesus. Many assume God’s peace, power, and protection should prevent us from ever feeling anxious, depressed, and afraid. But the Bible teaches otherwise, particularly in its depiction of the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah.

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Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression

Zack Eswine

Fresh insights about Charles Spurgeon’s recurring battles with depression and the remedies that sustained the great 19th century British preacher.

Spurgeon is quoted concerning the nature and complexity of depression, and strategies for relieving it that he found helpful. The author uses Spurgeon to show how God’s Word sustains in the midst of depression.

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When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God–and Joy

John Piper

Even the most faithful, focused Christians can encounter periods of depression and spiritual darkness when joy seems to stay just out of reach. It can happen because of distressing circumstances or hereditary and other physical causes.

John Piper aims to give some comfort and guidance to those experiencing spiritual darkness. Readers will gain insight into the physical side of depression and spiritual darkness and what it means to wait on the Lord in a time of darkness.

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Hunting Hope: Dig Through the Darkness to Find the Light

Hunting Hope: Dig Through the Darkness to Find the Light

Nika Maples

Hope is not an accident. Sometimes it has to be hunted, and hunting it takes courage. Hope hunters know how to excavate hope from hardship. They rake through the rubble of an unwanted situation, digging into difficult circumstances because they have come to expect that adversity will produce good. They believe that light always triumphs over darkness. They have learned to walk through winter with their eyes on spring.

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Embracing Hope: Soul Food to Help Chase Away the Blues

Joy Lenton

This gentle soul companion guide will help steer you the right direction as it reveals the places where hope can be found and encourages you to explore your own resources as well. By means of thoughtful reflections, soulful poetry and encouraging blessings, you will be supported on the journey toward regaining the hope you had lost.

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Prayer for Depression

Why, my soul, are you downcast?

Dear Loving Father,

Right now, despair envelops me. Hopelessness makes me think I’ll never smile or be happy again. It’s as if there is a high humidity in my heart that leaves me gasping for breath, sapping my energy, draining me of motivation for things I normally enjoy. I’m stumbling in the dark, afraid I’ll fall, without anything to light my path. I’d have to stand on tiptoe and reach way up just to touch bottom —

…. but I still believe in You, Father, or else I wouldn’t voice these feelings to You.

Penetrate my darkness with Your light. Eclipse my weakness with Your strength. Replace my pessimism with joy and with a deeper trust in You that generates hope for the future. Keep reminding me of who You are, what You have done for me in the past, and what You have promised for my future —

… and somehow, please redeem this pain.

Use it to wean me of self-sufficiency so I serve You in a way that can only be explained by the words, “God did it!” Let others see Your power working in, for, and through me so You, rather than I, get the credit for anything I might accomplish.

Father, I have nowhere to look but up — show me why that is a great place to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Even More

Discover meaningful ways to express the darkness and despondency that are hiding the light you long to see and feel. Often when we write our story in creative ways it can provide insights and hope that we may have otherwise missed.

In the Midst of Grief • Navigating loss, suffering, and chronic sorrow.

In the Midst of Grief

(Navigating loss, suffering, pain, and sorrow.)
Grief is no stranger to those of us affected by chronic illness, pain, and suffering. While there are no rules for grieving chronic loss, there is a road map, and fellow travelers are ahead and behind us on the journey. Grief often precedes growth.


Lament - Crying out to God in Prayer


Pushing our pain aside, hiding it, or feeling shame because of it diminishes our human experience. If Jesus wept and cried out in anguish, why do we feel it is somehow faithless to honestly express lament?


Allegory • Unlocking the Deeper Story


Allegory is a beautiful, artistic form of storytelling. Explore your story's difficult, painful, or vulnerable parts from a safer distance and a different perspective.


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