Printables for Teens
Downloadable Hope!
Resources, tips, and tools designed specifically to encourage and inspire teens affected by chronic illness, mental illness, and chronic pain. Dozens of beautifully designed, FREE printables, and there are always more coming. Step in, check back, download a little hope today.
The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
Chronic Joy offers beautifully designed FREE printables for teens and young adults, and there are always more coming!
Bookmark the page and check back often!


Abide in Me: Independence, Chronic Illness and Dependence on the Lord
When you’re struggling with any loss of independence in your life, turn your heart toward the Lord. Remember that all of us, even people who are not chronically ill, are truly dependent on God for everything -- and abiding in Him is the secret to producing fruit.

Bathroom Mirror Messages
Have you ever found a scripture so powerful or rich that you read it daily? What scripture is God prompting you to lean into today and in the days ahead?

Clinging to Christ - Stability When Life Gets Squirrelly
When life creates chaos and challenges arise, to whom do you turn? This world offers many possible solutions to our struggles, but only Jesus offers the stability we need to grow and thrive in the life God has given us.

Finding Hope in A Wishful World
It’s a difficult time for humanity. Recent events have made the world desperate for security, looking for hope in all kinds of places when it can only be found in Christ.

For Such a Time as This: Your Unique Qualifications
What if your unique hardships/trials enable you to encourage others as they move along in their life?

The Gift of Choosing Gratitude
A life of gratitude does not come from material things or fleeting emotions, but by choosing a faith-filled life trusting in God’s promises. While circumstances can be difficult, the hope of eternity can move us to be grateful here and now, knowing what is to come is greater than anything here on earth.

In the Emergency Room: God Brings Beauty from Trials
Chronic illness can feel like you’re in a never-ending cycle of medical crises, going from one emergency to the next. It makes us wonder why God allows such things to happen. Chronic illness is painful, but pain can be turned into unexpected beauty.

Never Alone: God's Unending Mercies
Christ understands everything we go through because he lived it first. While it might be difficult to see small pieces of joy during chronic illness, God’s mercies truly are unending.

13 Things That Might Resonate
With chronic illness, every day is an adventure! It isn't a life we would have chosen, but it is one we're learning to walk through with courage, tenacity, humor, and grace. We are so much more than our illnesses!

13 Verses to Lean Into
Lean into these verses, write them in a journal, choose one or two to memorize, and then think about who else might need to read them. The Word of God is alive and powerful, bringing us comfort in a way that nothing else can.

Discovering Gratitude
Gratefulness is choosing to focus on God rather than our circumstances. Fixing our eyes on Jesus reminds us of His gracious, compassionate love and unending faithfulness.

Emotions Wheel
God created us with a whole range of emotions, some of which can be difficult to feel and even riskier to talk about. Learning to identify our emotions helps us grow in our understanding of God and of others. The Emotions Wheel is a great place to begin!

Build An Ebenezer
Remembering God's Faithfulness
God’s people built Ebenezers, touchstones of help, to anchor them in truth in the midst of frightening, painful, difficult, or challenging circumstances.

Finding Your God-Given Purpose
Discovering our God-given purpose begins with trust, with learning to be present with God in each moment. It is less about why we were created and what we are created to do than about who we are created to be.

A Friend Loves at All Times
Great friendships are a gift from God. Use this devotional to explore the friendships of Mary and Elizabeth or David and Jonathan. Then, pick up your pen and let your friends know how you feel about them.

How is God calling me?
When we seek God’s calling for our lives, our journey begins with love, with who we are in Christ, and who we were created to be.

Intentional Kindness
30 Creative Ways
The kindness of Christ radiates through us when we are patiently present, as we notice and respond to others’ needs, when we ask thoughtful questions, and each time we extend genuine forgiveness.

Living Brave
Living Brave begins with faith, with living authentically from the inside out. It’s messy and gritty, and reveals how much we really trust God.

Love Notes from God
Too often, when we look in the mirror, we see only the flaws the world shouts at us. Yet when God looks at us, He sees His beloved child: chosen, precious, valuable, purposed, and carrying His holy image. So, let’s start looking into Scripture (the only mirror we will ever need), where God reminds us over and over of who we are in Him.

Photography Challenges
Get creative with a photography challenge! Just pick up your camera, notice, and click. Take a series of selfies, go for a photowalk, choose a single color to capture, or look for an interesting still-life shot. Be curious and create!

Stories, Jesus & Trees
When our roots are grafted to God’s, we are linked to believers around the world and across time. Do you feel disconnected today? Reach out and share the love of Jesus. It’ll strengthen your faith and renew your spirit.

The Story Told Through Our Scars
Where we’ve been fractured, we can offer empathy and compassion. Where we’ve been wounded, we can speak of hope. And where we have been ground into dust, God’s light shines bright.

Story Matters
Creatively Express Your Story
We can feel isolated and powerless when living with chronic illness, but what if your story begins to bridge the gaps? What if your story offers a glimmer of hope to someone standing at the edge of hopelessness?

Tree Rings
Trees add a new layer of wood every year. A thicker ring may show that there was a lot of rain and sunlight that year. A thinner ring may mean the tree didn’t get as much water or sun. What if we pictured our lives like tree rings? What would cause thicker or thinner rings?

Where do I discover hope?
If you feel overwhelmed and need encouragement, these verses will give you courage and confidence. Why not meditate on them throughout your day and share them with your friends?

Where do I find joy?
Joy is discovered in big events and in small, seemingly insignificant moments, in both mountain-top experiences, and smaller expressions we can easily overlook, like a kind word or a helping hand.

Who does God say you are?
God sees you as someone of infinite value. He sees who you are in Christ, and who you will become as the Holy Spirit lives and breathes in you.

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide
Wonder Walks is an invitation to savor God’s holy fingerprint in every atom of creation, to engage our senses, to cultivate curiosity, to listen for His still small voice, and to delight in His extraordinary creativity.

Wonder Walks • Trail Signs
Wonder nourishes our souls, inviting us to feast on the inexplicable mystery of the Holy, witnessing God's fingerprint in every atom of creation.

You Are So Loved
Do you love yourself as God loves you? Do you live as if you’re valuable? Do you live as if you’re set free?