Devotional Posts

Happy Bubbles

The Prayer of Examen and the Unexpected Gift of Peace

I found myself exploring The Prayer of Examen during a low point in my mood. I didn’t feel like putting the work into changing how I was feeling and was caught by the description that it could help us to refocus our hearts and minds.


The Prayer of Examen can bring peace.

A New Hope Story

We do not have a God who discounts or dismisses our struggles as necessary for the greater good. ... We have a God who guards great storehouses of our tears, each one known intimately, each one never forgotten, each one part of an ocean where love strokes the ripples and justice roars in the waves. Instead of using our pain, God bathes in the ocean of it with us.


Fresh ways to approach brokenness.

Invisible Yet Always Seen

The invisible nature of chronic conditions is common and widespread. In His kindness, God goes beyond seeing to supporting us in our afflictions.


God's love is steadfast in our affliction.

Bring Him Your Pain

Pain may insist that prayer will not “make it go away,” but prayer always engages me with the power and presence of Jesus Christ.


Nothing is too small for prayer.
Happy Bubbles

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