Contributing Writers Posts

Happy Bubbles

Learn to Accept Help

Accepting help doesn’t mean you’re giving in to the illness. You’re simply giving your body what it needs. Remember you are not a burden.


“It isn’t easy to feel your independence slip away and ask for assistance. While it’s difficult to face (and it’s appropriate to acknowledge that), there’s no shame in needing physical support.” Laurie Glass

In the Fog: Finding God When You Can’t See Much Else

Concentration became close to impossible. I would list the things I wanted to accomplish in my head, but often even the essentials slipped through my fingers. As morning became evening, I would remember all that I had not done. It wasn’t that I lost interest; I really did want to... Where was God?


"Father God, when all around us and inside us seems foggy and grey, help us to remember that You are our source of light and life." Karin Fendick
Happy Bubbles
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