Chronic Joy® Licensing


Churches and organizations are invited to partner with us to extend kindness, radical hope, and compassionate change to an often forgotten and misunderstood population.


Chronic Joy is a global resource ministry dedicated to compassionately serving all those affected by chronic illness, chronic pain, mental illness, and disability by providing accessible, easy-to-use, faith-based, educational tools and resources. 

As we sow seeds of hope, purpose, worth, and joy one precious life at a time, we invite churches and organizations to link arms with us to extend kindness, radical hope, and compassionate change to an often forgotten and misunderstood population – those affected by chronic illnessmental illness, chronic pain, and disability. Development of thriving small group communities is a key step.


Ou logo is a registered trademark and may not be altered in any way, except in size.


Licensee is authorized to use the Chronic Joy name and/or logo in relation to small group/s and/or programs utilizing Chronic Joy books, publications, and/or materials available through our website. Any material used that is not found on our website should be so identified when used. As a resource ministry, we welcome new suggestions for addition to our website.

Use of the Chronic Joy name and/or logo in any way that may disparage, bring into disrepute, or derogate this ministry, its members, directors, programs, or products is prohibited (including, but not limited to, uses deemed obscene, pornographic, sexual, violent, or unlawful).


The license agreement is “at will,” meaning that at any time and for any reason, it can be canceled by either party. Following cancellation, the licensee’s use of the Chronic Joy name and/or logo shall immediately cease and shall not be replicated in a similar manner.


You agree to indemnify Chronic Joy, Inc., for any loss or damage (including legal fees) caused by the misuse of the Chronic Joy Ministry, Inc. name and/or logo.


The license agreement is valid for one year and will automatically terminate unless a renewal is completed. Following termination, the licensee’s use of the Chronic Joy name and/or logo shall immediately cease.


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