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Chronic Joy® Friend-Raising • Cultivate. Strengthen. Build. It’s all about relationships.

Chronic Joy FriendRaising

Cultivate. Strengthen. Build. It’s all about relationship.

Friend-Raising starts with story—with our why: why we give, get involved, pray, and invest our time, talents, and resources in the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy®. And the best part? You only need a few good friends to start!

Two are better than one … a good return comes when two work together. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)


Friend-Raising is the important work of developing connections with people who are excited about the important work of Chronic Joy®. At its core, friend-raising is all about relationship and it begins with story: our why — why we give, get involved, pray, and invest in the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy®.

At Chronic Joy®, we want each donor to feel valued, invited, cared about, and heard, so that as we engage with each other, we also strengthen one another, building together toward God’s future for Chronic Joy®.


Friend-Raising begins with genuine, compassionate human connection, and the best part is you only need a few good friends to start!


Friends listen, encourage, and enrich us. They show up and get involved, introduce us to new people, places, things, and ideas, and they’re interested in who we are, what we do, and why.

Chronic Joy® Friend-Raising • Diagram


  • Who in your family would be excited to learn what you love most about Chronic Joy?
  • Do you have a friend or loved one who might be grateful to learn about our comprehensive resources?
  • Do you know a neighbor who is caring for a chronically ill child, spouse, or aging parent?
  • Have you ever considered hosting a fundraiser for your social media friends?
  • Do your friends or co-workers know about our easy, no-cost ways to donate through Thrivent Choice Dollars or Thrivent Action Teams?
  • Did you know Chronic Joy offers celebration, honor, and memorial gifts?

How to Connect in Four Easy Steps

  1. Invite three friends to learn your why.
  2. Tell them what most excites you about Chronic Joy.
  3. Share how you discovered the ministry, and your favorite program or go-to resource.
  4. Listen, love, and pray. Then connect.

Did you know the number one reason people give and get involved is because we ask?

 Extend the invitation then bravely share your why.


Dear Friend,

I’d like to introduce you to Chronic Joy. As a global resource ministry, they are dedicated to compassionately serving all those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability.

Chronic Joy is a blessing to me because …

You can visit their website:

Also, for a quick snapshot about Chronic Joy, take a look at any of these:

Let’s talk soon so I can share even more about why I’m so excited about Chronic Joy.

(Copy and paste the above, then make it your own.)

Sharing Life  Discovering Hope Stationery


Would you like Friend-Raise via snail mail? Become a Friend-Raising Ambassador and request your free mini- kit below.


At its core, friend-raising is all about relationship and it begins with story – our why - why we give, serve, pray, and invest in the mission and ministry of Chronic Joy.