He Leadeth Me: A Hymn Becomes a Lifelong Prayer
A little girl memorized this simple hymn, He Leadeth Me, which became a lifelong prayer for every step of her journey.
Audio is an invitation to listen, to be engaged and enriched through one-on-one storytelling, anytime and in any place, through the caring, compassionate, and friendly voices of Chronic Joy’s guest writers and of our own Voices of Chronic Joy® volunteers.
A little girl memorized this simple hymn, He Leadeth Me, which became a lifelong prayer for every step of her journey.
Most of all, Lord God, will You help us to let your goodness and mercy inform what we say and do in our day-to-day living?
So how can we walk alongside the chronically ill? The knowledge of being loved by those closest to them simply because of who they are.
“Brace yourselves,” the doctor said. The months that followed were a Gethsemane place for me, a taste the bittersweet of Job, “Even if You slay me…”