(Reflect) Deer Heart: A Thirst for Christ
As I reflect, is Christ real to me? Oh, yes! He is more real to me because of the twelve years of pain that necessitated the years of spiritual direction.
As I reflect, is Christ real to me? Oh, yes! He is more real to me because of the twelve years of pain that necessitated the years of spiritual direction.
Writing about pain is both necessary and difficult. Pain is eased by being moved and writing a poem about pain gets it moving. In Andrea Potos’ poem, we don’t know what her wounds are – only that the cello is speaking to those hurting places, encouraging them to become something beautiful.
When a friend suggested we become workout buddies, I was definitely interested, although not sure how it would work for us. She is a dedicated exerciser, but chronic illness sometimes gets in the way. I might be described as an obsessive exerciser, someone who doesn’t like for anything to get in my way.
Michael would sometimes lead a drill called Good-Better-Best, where participants give Good work for a specific period of time, then Better for a shorter period, then their Best for a brief spurt, maybe for only 10 seconds. I'll never know what those bursts felt like to him on his bad days. He smiled through it.