COMPASSION. INCLUSION. RELATIONSHIP. Resources created and curated by those who understand the sweeping impact of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability on every aspect of life. Vital, practical, Christ-centered, and inclusive. Together, we are the Body of Christ on earth.




Vital, practical, Christ-centered, and inclusive resources created and curated by those who understand the sweeping impact of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability on every aspect of life are provided below. Together, we are the Body of Christ on earth.

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It all begins with God and the decision to follow Him. For Chronic Joy, that includes a clear Statement of Faith.

In addition to having a relationship with God, we are created for relationships with one another. Community spurs us on, encouraging and inspiring us. Community is where we care for each other and help one another up.

It takes time for churches and organizations to flesh out chronic illness ministries within their walls – and it takes people willing to lead even when they might not feel well. Before we even wrote our first book, we created and developed streamlined and easy-to-use tools and resources to make this process easier:

Build An Illness Ministry
Small Group Policy
Small Group Roles



  • Churches may not understand the significant challenges associated with chronic illnessmental illness, chronic pain, and disability.
  • Churches may not recognize our needs when we don’t look sick.
  • Churches may not yet know how to “do” community for those affected by chronic illness or how to flesh out small groups in creative ways.
  • We might need transportation to meetings.
  • Meeting times and places may be difficult due to symptoms, medications, treatments, and energy reserves.
  • We might need financial assistance to purchase materials.
  • We might need wheelchair access to bathrooms, elevators, and classrooms.

These hurdles and many more make traditional community challenging. Yet we were made for community, so where does that leave us?

Let’s begin to broaden the vision for community. Many creative options, such as Google Meets, FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype, are available today. With God at the center, community can creatively thrive.

Because community is essential to God, it’s also important to Chronic Joy. That’s why we’ve published the first three books in the Chronic Joy Thrive study series, the first book in our Abide study series, and a companion resource for small group leaders.

Our hearts’ desire is for small group communities to develop, grow, and thrive.

Build an Illness Ministry

This practical guide walks you through the first steps toward building a chronic illness small group.

Ask Generous Questions

Ask Generous Questions: Listen with an Open Heart

Lean into the living presence of Jesus and cultivate a deeper relationship with one another. When we slow down and listen to each other, we grow together as the Body of Christ on earth.

Creative Ways to Use Chronic Joy Posts & Publications

Talking about the impact of chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability on our lives can be incredibly difficult. Sometimes, we are unsure what we think or how we feel, either for ourselves or for our friends or loved ones.

Ministry of Reconciliation

Ministry of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is the process of restoring broken relationships, of building something new from the tender soil of forgiveness.


A ministry I support and have benefited from is Chronic Joy. They offer Bible studies, support group materials, and much more for both those with chronic illness and those who serve or care for them. Many congregations have implemented support groups with the tools Chronic Joy provides.

[How Can the Church Better Serve those Suffering from Chronic Illness? Christianity Today]

Dena Dyer
Granbury, TX
Dena Dyer
{I just wanted to share this article [Finding Joy through Chronic Pain] that was written about the group we started earlier this year. Thank you for helping us make the group a reality.
Renee S.
Fort Wayne, IN
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Our Licensing Agreement provides the framework for churches and organizations to launch Chronic Joy programs for those affected by chronic illness, mental illness, chronic pain, and disability. Taking this important step opens the door to community and invites people to discover hope, find purpose, embrace worth, and encounter God’s indescribable joy as they learn to do life together.

Are you interested in starting a small group or a chronic illness ministry in your church?

Click here to contact us.

Christian community is the place where we keep the flame of hope alive among us and take it seriously so that it can grow and become stronger in us. (Henri Nouwen)

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Even More

Servant-Hearted Leadership

Servant-Hearted Leadership

In the eyes of Jesus, we’re all leaders! What does it mean to listen, lead, and love like Jesus? Since each of us is a unique member of the body of Christ with different life experiences, to lead well requires constant dependence on the Spirit to grow us as servant-hearted leaders.


Chronic Joy Publishing - A Labor of Love.

Our Books

A Labor of Love • Words steeped in prayer become a courageous harvest of books.

Are you struggling? Wounded? Suffering? Lonely? Fraying at the edges? You are not alone. Step into a new journey through illness with Jesus, and discover how radically and perfectly you are loved. Discover great books just for you!


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Books We Love • Churches

A Caregiver's Survival Guide

Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart: How to Relate to Those Who are Suffering

Kenneth C. Haugk, PhD

Haugk has written an essential guide on caring for and relating to people as they encounter difficult times in life. This book draws on extensive research of those who have experienced various kinds of suffering and offers key insights and suggestions of what to say and do (and what not to say or do) when people are hurting. With its biblical foundation, compassionate approach, and concrete ideas, this book will help you bring God’s loving presence to hurting people when they need it most.


Discovering Hope • Beginning the Journey Toward Hope in Chronic Illness

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission

Amy Simpson

Mental illness is the sort of thing we don’t like to talk about. It doesn’t reduce nicely to simple solutions and happy outcomes. So instead, too often we reduce people who are mentally ill to caricatures and ghosts, simply pretending they don’t exist. They do exist…

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Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults

Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, and Other Common Mental Health Conditions

Stephen Grcevich

The church across North America has struggled to minister effectively to children, teens, and adults (and their families) with common mental health conditions. One reason for the lack of ministry is the absence of a widely accepted model for mental health outreach and inclusion.

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Grace for the Afflicted- A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

Matthew S. Stanford

Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. In Grace for the Afflicted, Stanford informs us about mental illness from biblical and scientific perspectives.  

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An invitation to Discover Hope, Find Purpose, Embrace Worth and Encounter Joy. Find awareness tools, community connection and a wide range of faith-based educational resources. (Approx. 2 minutes.)

Lifeline: Hope-Pain

Pastor Roger Ellis, Lead Pastor of Oakwood Church (retired), and Chronic Joy’s Pamela Piquette discuss hope in the midst of pain as they walk through Paul’s thorn and 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.

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