Trauma Posts

Happy Bubbles

Stopping to Heal: Grace for Caregivers

The thing with Watching someone with a chronic illness is that there are no convenient “rest points.” When we push down our hurts or try to barge our way through them, we can often turn them into trauma. Stopping to heal is very important for caregivers.


"Trauma is a word with a lot of baggage. The good thing ... is that it can be worked through and talked about, felt and soothed, comforted and consoled." Emily J. Maurits

Your Story Matters

Before we begin to share our stories with others and before we wrestle with how vulnerable we might want to be, it makes sense to really know our stories. My story matters and so does yours.


"My story matters and so does yours." Pamela Piquette

Sweet Breath

Have you ever, like me, found yourself turning away in shame or despair, believing that your lack defines your whole? What if our barrenness is in fact God’s good purpose? What if we deemed it not a punishment to flee from or an embarrassment to hide from, but rather a place to slow and savor more of His Presence...


"What if our barrenness is in fact God’s good purpose ... a place to slow and savor more of His Presence?" Anna Smit

Traumatic Loss • A Story of Survival

Facing traumatic loss is about keeping our sanity and taking care of those who depend on us, all the while deciding how we are going to face this new unwelcome reality. I learned at so many points that I had to look straight at the loss or I could not find comfort.


"The word itself, survive, means to continue to live or exist, especially in spite of hardship or danger." Mel Lawrenz
Happy Bubbles
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