Contributing Writers Posts

Happy Bubbles

❄️ What Snowflakes Can Teach Us about Serving

In God’s remarkable way, each tiny flake is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. ... each one simply doing its job without concern about whether it is valuable enough, big enough, or useful enough. Snowflakes can teach us a lot about serving.


"In God’s remarkable way, each tiny flake is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. It takes no time at all for these perfect little flakes to cover the ground ... each one simply doing its job without concern about whether it is valuable enough, big enough, or useful enough." Pamela Piquette

The Power of Small

God never intends for life’s challenges to diminish our purpose or worth. He desires to bring forth new treasures of faith and grace, gifts we can share whether seen or unseen.


"The trials God allows to unfold in our lives are never meant to diminish our value or purpose." Lee Ann Zanon

Awareness: The Gentle Art of Noticing the Sacred in our Midst

I have a goal of seeking to sense the sacred in the everyday, then write about my experiences (which are often expressed as poetry). This poem arose from a desire to listen better and sense God’s presence more deeply. It also stemmed from a reflective look at times when noticing has paid dividends for me in terms of heightened awareness of the sacred in my midst.


"Seek to sense the sacred in the everyday. Notice God's Presence. Pay attention to His holy whispers." (Joy Lenton, adapted)

Surrendered to God’s Anything

There are times we pray safe and there are times we pray dangerous. In the moment of surrender, we declare “Lord, let Your will, not mine be done. Glorify Yourself in my life. Whatever it is you want from me, I’ll do anything.” The anything He chose for me was to walk through a medical condition I didn't expect.


"Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." Luke 22:42
Happy Bubbles
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