Contributing Writers Posts

Happy Bubbles

Earworms of Affirmation and Love

Marriage is challenging enough and adding a chronic illness adds a whole new dimension. Let’s have the words that we say to each other become earworms of affirmation and love.


"We want our marriages to be places where our words are life-giving." Kara Plett

Whispers of His Life

We witnessed the whisper of God being shared from within our place of suffering. He helped us live out the Scripture from those years ago.


"But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works." Psalm 73:28

The Power of Putting Pen to Paper

I relish the gift of finding a personal letter in my mailbox, especially on hard days. Written words have a unique capacity to convey God’s grace (as described in Chronic Joy’s printable resource, #PenToPaper). I vividly recall a particular afternoon when the Lord used a simple note card to bring me much-needed hope.


“God has spoken, so we speak. God has written, so we write not to eclipse God’s words but to ... celebrate them, and offer them to others.” David Mathis
Happy Bubbles
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