Audio Resources


An Invitation to Listen

Audio is an invitation to listen, to be engaged and enriched through one-on-one storytelling, anytime and in any place, through the caring, compassionate, and friendly voices of Chronic Joy’s guest writers and of our own Voices of Chronic Joy® volunteers.

Happy Bubbles

Peace that Prevails

I love the word prevail, especially when paired with peace. Knowing I can experience inner calm, even when chronic pain triggers anxiety, settles my soul.


God’s peace is resplendent with beauty … untouched by circumstances and unscathed by chaos.

Purpose in Your Pain

The cloak of chronic illness does not define you and does not limit God’s plans for your life. Perhaps you are struggling to see your purpose in your pain. I promise you, my friend, even if you can’t see it, your purpose is there – the Bible says so!


"God does not need us to be in a state of wellness to be a force of righteousness!" Erin Burkhardt

Living Brave – Celebrate!

Living brave means that despite chronic pain, I could still embrace celebration in bite-sized pieces, like snuggling my newest grandchild.


"Living Brave means that no matter what we feel or what we’re facing … we are not alone."

Earworms of Affirmation and Love

Marriage is challenging enough and adding a chronic illness adds a whole new dimension. Let’s have the words that we say to each other become earworms of affirmation and love.


"We want our marriages to be places where our words are life-giving." Kara Plett
Happy Bubbles
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