Invisible Yet Always Seen
The invisible nature of chronic conditions is common and widespread. In His kindness, God goes beyond seeing to supporting us in our afflictions.
Audio is an invitation to listen, to be engaged and enriched through one-on-one storytelling, anytime and in any place, through the caring, compassionate, and friendly voices of Chronic Joy’s guest writers and of our own Voices of Chronic Joy® volunteers.
The invisible nature of chronic conditions is common and widespread. In His kindness, God goes beyond seeing to supporting us in our afflictions.
Pain may insist that prayer will not “make it go away,” but prayer always engages me with the power and presence of Jesus Christ.
Grieving isn’t only for what you had and then lost. It’s also for what you didn’t get to experience in the first place.
Let’s reframe the idea that we must be whole to be useful. We should throw out the useful part of that idea and the whole part (when used to mean mended). What if we could discover God’s power within our brokenness? What if instead of looking for usefulness in wholeness, we find a new and more dynamic power in God’s weakness-powered wholeness?