Marriage with illness or pain can be difficult, but it can also be an opportunity to learn patience, forgiveness, and sacrifice—gifts to savor and celebrate.
Books we Love • Marriage
I TAKE YOU IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH: Marriage with Chronic Illness
Cindee Snider Re
Rejuvenate, revitalize, rekindle, and reconnect by using this insightful and enriching 10-chapter study (designed just for couples) that offers you and your spouse a safe place to grieve, heal, grow, dream together, and thrive as one—in sickness and in health.

This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence
John Piper et al.
Discover the Biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church. Lifting the church’s low view of marriage to something infinitely greater – a vision of Jesus’s unswerving allegiance to and affection for his bride. This book unpacks the Biblical vision, its unexpected contours, and its weighty implications.

Hope Heals: A True Story of Overwhelming Loss and an Overcoming Love
Katherine Wolf et al.
When all seems lost, where can hope be found? Katherine suffered a massive brain stem stroke without warning. Miraculously, Jay came home in time and called for help. Katherine was rushed into surgery, though her chance of survival was slim. Through 40 days on life support and nearly 2 years in full-time brain rehab, Katherine gradually recovered. Years later, they are stewarding their story of suffering, restoration, and Christ-centered hope through their ministry Hope Heals.

Love at First Fight
Carey and Dena Dyer
If you find that the once endearing, charming, and distinct qualities that attracted you to your spouse are now a source of stress and conflict, this book may be helpful. In sharing humorous, personal stories from both male and female perspectives, the Dyers guide you in discovering that a fun, resilient, fulfilling marriage can be realized through hard work, forgiveness, God’s grace, and a sense of humor. Fifty-two conversational meditations, including practical action steps to develop a deeper connection with your spouse, will inform and delight you both.
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Chronic Illness in Marriage: There’s a Purpose for the Pain
“There’s a purpose for our pain. Our perishing bodies are being used for His glory.” Jolene Engle
Spousal Caregivers: When Chronic Illness Crashes into Your Marriage
“When Thomas* and Carina* returned from their honeymoon in 1997, Carina was placed on long-term disability from work due to a string of illnesses – including lupus, fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis and heart problems….What followed were years of chronic physical pain, sometimes keeping Carina bound to her bed day in and day out. Thomas often cooks, cleans, cares for their two young boys, does the laundry, buys groceries and serves as Carina’s primary caregiver. ‘I had the feeling of helplessness when I realized that her conditions simply wouldn’t go away,’ he recalls.” Focus on the Family Canada
How to Get Your Focus Back on Your Marriage
“Despite the distractions, difficulties, and sicknesses there are tangible things that we all can do to get our focus back on our marriage and make it strong and to help it thrive.” Tricia, Abounding in Hope with Lyme
Marriage Blessings Through Chronic Illness
“When we married in 2002, I already had a chronic illness. At that time, I was still able to attend college, and after graduating I was able to work a part-time job for a while. However, less than two years after getting married, my health deteriorated to the point that I became disabled and homebound.” Rachel Lundy
When Chronic Illness Joins Your Marriage
“It can be so easy to focus on our health and lose the focus on our relationship. Marriage is hard work – with or without a chronic illness. But anything worthwhile is worth the work involved.” Kim, GraceIsSufficient.com
FIERCE MARRIAGE is a call for married couples to put God first and to love with a fierce tenacity that never gives up and never gives in. Founded to point couples to Christ and to commission marriages for the Gospel, founders Ryan and Selena Frederick offer hope and practical help for common struggles, including communication problems, sexual frustration, financial tension, screen-time disconnection, and unrealistic expectations.
Interviews & Podcasts
The more you love God
“The more you love God, the more capacity you will have to truly love each other.” Dave Willis
Marriage – Differences
“In marriage relationships, differences can actually be part of your sanctification. God wants to use your union, even with all its speed bumps, to make you both more like him.” Dena Dyer
How does chronic illness affect the way you communicate with your spouse?
“How does chronic illness affect the way you communicate with your spouse?” Cindee Snider Re