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Embracing Worth: Understanding Your Value in a Life with Chronic Illness

Discovering Hope


This 10-chapter study powerfully reminds us that our value isn’t found in what we can or cannot do but in Christ alone. Regardless of what we’ve lost through chronic illness, this isn’t the end of our story. In spite of our circumstances, in the midst of the hard, when we’re not sure we can take even one more breath, God is still good.

Through vulnerable storytelling, inspiring Scripture, insightful questions, and thoughtful journal prompts, Cindee invites you to discover who God says you are: worthy, chosen, cherished, delighted over with singing. You are the crown of His creation, His masterpiece and magnum opus, beloved image-bearers of the King.

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Infinite Worth

He left the 99 to rescue me – yesterday, today, and always (Matthew 18:12 paraphrase). Our worth isn't based on who we are or what we can do but on who God is. We are the work of His hands.

Who does God say you are?

God sees you as someone of infinite value. He sees who you are in Christ, and who you will become as the Holy Spirit lives and breathes in you.

You Are So Loved

Do you love yourself as God loves you? Do you live as if you’re valuable? Do you live as if you’re set free?

Ministry of Reconciliation

Ministry of Reconciliation

The word "reconcile" (Greek root kapar, meaning to change or exchange) means to bring together or heal what is broken and encompasses our relationships with God and one another.

Books from Chronic Joy

Discovering Hope

DISCOVERING HOPE: Beginning the Journey Toward Hope in Chronic Illness

Cindee Snider Re

This 10-chapter study invites participants to experience radical hope and compassionate change in a life with chronic illness.

No matter how dark the days, how wild the storm, how deep the valley, or how long the winter, there is hope.

There is always hope.


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Finding Purpose

FINDING PURPOSE: Rediscovering Meaning in a Life with Chronic Illness

Cindee Snider Re

What if purpose looks different than we believe?

In this 10-chapter study, author Cindee Snider Re invites participants to release cultural and traditional definitions of purpose and, instead, embrace God's timeless definition. Rooted in His Word, His definition is as refreshing as a gentle spring rain.


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I TAKE YOU IN SICKNESS & IN HEALTH: Marriage with Chronic Illness

Cindee Snider Re

Rejuvenate, revitalize, rekindle, and reconnect by using this insightful and enriching 10-chapter study (designed just for couples) that offers you and your spouse a safe place to grieve, heal, grow, dream together, and thrive as onein sickness and in health.


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Servant-Hearted Leadership

SERVANT-HEARTED LEADERSHIP: Called to Listen, Lead, and Love Like Jesus

Chronic Joy


This one-of-a-kind resource book includes 12 chapters, each followed by actionable, practical growth tips that you will turn to again and again.


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Embracing Worth Testimonials

The Holy Spirit breathes through this work. Cindee writes from an experience of one who lives with chronic pain as well as one who lives alongside as a care-giver.  She brings this heart to Embracing Worth as a deepening guide to the reader.  But it must be said that Embracing Worth relates to everyone: not only as encouragement for those who may be living with chronic illness, or as one who walks besides, but to all of us living in this world. Embracing Worth is God’s desire for us all. Cindee’s personal reflections are offered so honestly and deeply, opening a path for others to be as honest and deep in their own responses. The prompts and questions Cindee offers here, supersede any kind of “prescribed” response. Rather they create an inner dialogue, a deepening quest to know ourselves as individuals and as a people beloved.  In addition to spiritual reflection there are tangible tools to take away into your own life.

Rev. Julie Sheridan Smith

Associate Minister, North Shore Congregational Church

Cindee Snider Re knocks it out of the park!  Embracing Worth encourages us to battle comparison and embrace who we are in Christ through Cindee’s vulnerable storytelling and inspiring studies of scripture. From Chronic Joy Ministry’s Thrive series, comes this refreshing book that comforts, strengthens, and reminds of God’s joy and delight. Embracing Worth is an excellent book for a group study that will inevitably produce lively discussion. I highly recommend it!


Author of A Life of Creative Purpose and co-author of A God of All Seasons

Embracing Worth is a gift, which could only be offered by someone who has intimately faced pain and loss as Cindee Snider Re has. She uses Scripture and personal testimony to shine light over the darkness of shame and hopelessness, and onto the face of Christ who understands and overcomes. This study has challenged me to confront shame head on with the truth of the gospel; that I am a cherished child of God, worthy of His love even on my weakest days.

Erin Olig

Embracing Worthis an absolute blessing; I had goosebumps of anticipation by the time I read the forward. As I read, I thought of all the people I know who would be helped by this book, including myself. Cindee truly has a God-given gift for writing.

Lynette Hill

This wonderful resource provides a biblically-based blueprint for churches, ministry leaders, and caregivers seeking opportunities to bring hope to individuals and groups living with chronic health conditions. Embracing Worth speaks powerfully to the millions of people managing difficult physical conditions, reminding them of God’s desire that we remember our worth comes from Him and transcends our physical limitations. I highly recommend it!

Christa Cordova

Director of Communications, Cathedral Church of the Advent