Contributing Writers Posts

Happy Bubbles

Identifying and Letting Go of False Guilt

Actual guilt comes from wrongdoing, though, in the case of false guilt since I haven’t done anything wrong to deserve feeling this way. It occurs when you feel responsible, ashamed, or down on yourself for something you can’t control. False guilt can be draining and serves no useful purpose, so it’s essential to recognize it and find ways to let it go.


What is false guilt?

Waiting in Winter

Exchanging our expectations for God-focused expectancy opens the door to persevering faith and joy. His wisdom is boundless. His mercy is sure. He is entirely trustworthy for every season of our lives.


Waiting and watching requires a deliberate choice.

The Prayer of Examen and the Unexpected Gift of Peace

I found myself exploring The Prayer of Examen during a low point in my mood. I didn’t feel like putting the work into changing how I was feeling and was caught by the description that it could help us to refocus our hearts and minds.


The Prayer of Examen can bring peace.

Keep Listening

Life can get overfilled so easily with the voices and concerns of others. I maintained my regular morning quiet times but sensed a new distance from the Lord. I will seek. I will wait. I will listen still – but speak, Lord.


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."
Happy Bubbles
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