Journey Into Light: 31 Days Adventuring with God
Journey into Light has 31 chapters and is woven from a tapestry of Scripture, poetry, glimpses from the author’s life, prayer, and reflection questions inviting you to rediscover God’s presence with you in everyday life.
“In Gayl Wright’s Journey Into Light, the structure is the key. She opens with a simple thought or perhaps the seed of a thought. It is a come now, let us reason together sort of invitation to the theme of the devotion. Then, she cuts straight to the Scripture. There is no engagement yet; that occurs later. Having introduced the thought, she leaves you alone with the Word to begin the process of understanding. Only after you have been introduced to the Biblical text does she then speak. In this third part of the structure, she shares from her own life and experiences some key thoughts on each subject. But Gayl does not leave us there. She concludes each devotion with questions for reflection. She understands that sometimes questions can say more than answers.” (Michael Card, award-winning musician and performing artist, and author of many books.)
Free Printables

Make Your Life a Prayer
Make Your Life a Prayer supplies Scripture verses and quotes inviting you to step into God's compassionate and tender-hearted presence.

Prayers for the Journey
These short prayers can strengthen, encourage, and inspire you to step into the comforting presence of God, where you are fully known, infinitely cared about, and deeply loved.

Poetry as Prayer
Writing our own psalms is about learning to express our emotions unedited and giving voice to our joy and pain.
Writing haiku teaches us to focus on a single moment, awakening us to the wonder of creation.

Simple Crochet Bookmarks
Would you like a quick project to bless someone and use up those bits of yarn left after other projects? Try these simple bookmark patterns: Heartfelt Windows and Flowers Abloom!
As I read each devotion, I felt that Gayl was uncovering a little bit more about herself and her relationship with God—almost like it was progressive. It touched me deeply that way and encouraged me to open my heart to the Lord also. The chapter on an ordinary day brought such peace to my heart and such beauty.
Bettie Gilbert
author of Abiding in Him
Slow down, unplug, and ponder the poetry, scripture, and reflective questions in Journey to the Light. These short devotionals invite us to let our souls be watered by the Truth, who is a trustworthy Person, and the Light for all our journeys. Gayl gently helps us connect with Him.
Moira Bell
Journey Into Light is a wonderful, uplifting invitation to turn your eyes to Jesus every day. Through these devotions, you will be filled with the joy and quiet strength that comes from walking with God through the ups and downs of life’s journey. And all along the path, these devotions will help you rediscover God’s love in the sounds, colors, and people He has put all around you.
Fr. Charlie Carlberg, Jr.
Rector at All Saints Anglican Church, Greenville, SC.
Journey Into Light is an easy-to-read, practical devotional book in which the author gently directs our thoughts to focus on Christ and apply His truth in everyday matters and the challenges we face. Written in a personal, honest, and straightforward style, Gayl has also included some helpful, hands-on advice, encouraging creativity and joy in the simple things of life.
Joy Erdmann
It has been said that if you walk with pleasure, you learn little, but if you walk with sorrow, you learn much. I only know a small portion of Gayl’s journey, but this book demonstrates how much wisdom she has learned along the way. Her words are not only founded on the unshakeable truth of Scripture; they are words based on a faith that has been tested by flood and by fire … a faith that proves that nothing in all of creation can ever separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus. I highly commend this book, as I do the author; both beautiful in their simple profundity.
Rev. Dr. Johannes W.H. van der Bijl (M.Div)
author of Breakfast on the Beach: The Development of Simon Peter and
For the Life of the World: The Multiplication of Simon Peter
Nature, poetry, and inspiration, painted with grace in a mom’s voice, Gayl carefully weaves from every aspect of creativity in this beautiful devotional.
Dr. Ifeoma Samuel
Speaker/Writer at Purposeful and Meaningful, author of several Bible study books
I have known Gayl since she was a young teenager and have observed that she has been on a “long journey in the same direction” – that direction being to honor and serve Jesus Christ. Her journey has included both great sadness and great joy, and in this devotional book, she unselfishly shares with us some of the lessons she has learned along the way. She lovingly both encourages and challenges us to join her on the Journey Into Light.
Eileen Felten
Bible Teacher and Certified Biblical Counselor
This is one of the best devotionals I’ve ever worked through. Some devotionals you want to put off reading. This one, you want to read ahead to see what’s next. The Scriptures build seamlessly on one another, the commentary is sincere without being preachy, and the questions offered for reflection are down-to- earth and eminently practical. A strong recommend!
Andrew Budek-Schmeisser
author of Blessed are the Pure of Heart, Faith in the Night:
Finding God When All Seems Lost, Emerald Isle, PTSD and the Holidays:
Helping the Veteran You Love, Angela: A New Mexico Christmas
My longtime friend, Gayl Wright, shares her heart and personal experiences in Journey Into Light. A thought-provoking compilation of short, easy-to-read devotionals that are ideal for the new believer, helping them move beyond themselves to see God and His beauty in the daily-ness of life. Gayl’s creativity and love are seen throughout.
Shirley Elliott
author of Heartbroken to Hopeful
A delight! Gayl has insight into life which comes from many years of walking with God. She explores many topics for meditation and growth. Her words inspire.
Bobbi Killinger
Chronic Joy Publications

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