Intentional Kindness
Radiates like the Son.
Intentional Kindness is an act of love—an intentional and purposeful choice—grace that makes the journey brighter for all of us! Be intentionally kind, and you, too, will radiate like the Son.
He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. (Ephesians 1:8)
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We all long to be seen and included, to be part of a dynamic and caring connection, and to have a close friend.
Kindness is intentionally noticing the people around us and offering them whatever gift we have to make their journey easier. Even the smallest, servant-hearted kindness can effect greater change than we may ever know.
At its core, kindness is selfless and sacrificial. It’s leaning into Jesus and listening for His still, small Voice, stepping out in faith, and learning to care for one another deeply from the heart.
Our individual experiences, talents, skills, passions, time, and treasure enable us to extend God’s kindness to others, making the journey easier for all of us.
Kindness is an act of love, compassion, and understanding that changes not only the life of the receiver but also of the giver. As kindness brings joy to others, it brings joy to our hearts, too.
Jesus was unceasingly, immeasurably, and impartially kind. But to recognize God’s kindness to us, we need first to remember that we deserve no kindness from God. Yet He lavishes us with loving-kindness.
If we follow Jesus’ example, kindness is something we are called to extend to everyone. Yet a life of intentional kindness doesn’t happen overnight.
Think of the kindness you wish others would show you; do the same for them. (Luke 6:31)
Be kind and compassionate to one another… (Ephesians 4:32). In the original language, the verb in this passage means “to become,” suggesting that “becoming kind” is something we choose as we grow in faith and into the likeness of Christ, and like most things in life, learning to be kind takes time.
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)
Those four bolded words, “clothe yourselves with … kindness,” are a useful mental image. As we begin to see ourselves clothed in kindness, others begin to see us that way, too, and the kindnesses we extend will often inspire them to extend kindness, too.
Brighten a Day with Intentional Kindness
- Today, who can be intentionally kind to? Act on that inspiration.
- Notes of encouragement make a difference. If you need a little inspiration for what to write, check out our #PenToPaper page for lots of great ideas.
- As you sense an opportunity to be intentionally kind, step out in faith.
- Make it a priority to be curious and ask questions. This will deepen a relationship and make a difference in someone else’s life.

Intentional Kindness
30 Creative Ways
The kindness of Christ radiates through us when we are patiently present, as we notice and respond to others’ needs, when we ask thoughtful questions, and each time we extend genuine forgiveness.

Kindness Multiplied
As you think about the kindness you have received and how that made you feel, pass it on to others. Using these creative ideas to inspire kindness will multiply kindness all around you.

11 Prayers for Cultivating a Heart of Kindness
Living with chronic illness, mental illness, and chronic pain can leave us exhausted, overwhelmed, and impatient, yet we are still called to be kind. Let these short prayers lead you back to God's heart of rich and generous loving-kindness.

24 Questions & Prayers for Gatherings
Gatherings are times for reminiscing, laughter, and catching up. Yet sometimes, we carry past hurts, broken trust, and lingering disagreements with us. Asking intentional questions is a great way to invite conversation, grow empathy, facilitate trust, and strengthen relationships. Let’s lead with prayer, kindness, forgiveness, the hope of reconciliation, and the love of Jesus as we gather.
Intentional Kindness & Questions
Intentional questions invite us to lean into the living presence of Jesus as we cultivate a deeper relationship with Him and one another. When we slow down and really listen to each other, we grow together as the Body of Christ on earth.
Jesus was a master of intentional kindness through generous questions. Pastor Eric von Atzingen says, Jesus “used questions the way a surgeon uses a scalpel, to delicately cut into a new level of understanding.”
Jesus asked acutely generous questions that invite honesty, dignity, and revelation.

Ask Generous Questions: Listen with an Open Heart
Lean into the living presence of Jesus and cultivate a deeper relationship with one another. When we slow down and listen to each other, we grow together as the Body of Christ on earth.

52 Questions of Jesus
Of the 307 questions of Jesus recorded in the Bible, 52 are listed here - one for each week of the year.

76 Questions to Connect You as a Couple
Approach these questions slowly in any order you choose, one question and one conversation at a time over many months. This is an exploration and an opportunity to grow more deeply in love as you rediscover one another.

The Heart of Radical Connection
Radical connection isn’t about who we click with or are comfortable with. It’s about forming deep relationships and investing in the people Jesus lays on our hearts to connect with on this leg of the journey.
With Love from Chronic Joy
Chronic Joy is an everyday Valentine and a love letter to you. Our hearts have always been to share God’s love, kindness, and resources.
Intentional Questions
Asking generous questions and listening intently from the heart is an extraordinary gift on both sides of the conversation.
“Kindness is “radical … brave and daring, willing to be vulnerable … The way of selfless risk. The way of staggering hope.” Barry H. Corey
“Kindness, is a biblical way of living … We exhale kindness after we inhale what’s been breathed into us by the Spirit.” Barry H. Corey
“Kindness is the radical and mysterious love of Christ quietly and powerfully nourishing this lost and broken world.” Cindee Snider Re
“ … kindness is costly. To be kind is to be intentionally gentle, benevolent, and benign. It is to be actively gracious in spite of ingratitude. It is to offer goodness despite the possibility of being taken advantage of. It is to offer hospitality to the inhospitable … Kindness is self-giving; and … it is costly.” Rusty Foerger
“If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God.” G. K. Chesterton
“… as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12