Write Letters to Help You Cope with Chronic Illness
Writing is a helpful way to practice self-care. These are not letters to send to others, but letters to express your thoughts and feelings.
Writing is a helpful way to practice self-care. These are not letters to send to others, but letters to express your thoughts and feelings.
I relish the gift of finding a personal letter in my mailbox, especially on hard days. Written words have a unique capacity to convey God’s grace (as described in Chronic Joy’s printable resource, #PenToPaper). I vividly recall a particular afternoon when the Lord used a simple note card to bring me much-needed hope.
The legacy of my grandmother’s intentional kindness lives on as Chronic Joy extends birthday greetings and more with You Get Mail.
Do you know that you are a precious child of God? You are so loved and we are grateful for you! Can you imagine how it might sound to hear the One who spoke creation into being sing for joy because of you? God has purposed and planned for you. He knows you fully and loves you completely — as is.