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Chronic Illness Posts

Happy Bubbles

Glimmers and Gratitude

Rather than mindlessly drinking my morning coffee, I savor its aroma and appreciate the warm mug in my hands. I observe my grandchildren with heightened interest when we’re together, delighting in each one’s sweet voice. These simple glimmers prompt expressions of thanks and remind me to smile!


God's blessings spark gratitude.

Living Well When It Hurts

As believers in Jesus Christ, we know that God can use even the worst circumstances in our life for good and our sinfulness doesn’t have to define us! Living well when it hurts is possible in Christ.


Chronic pain varies in intensity from day to day.

Fear of the (Flare)

I realized I was facing every day with the fear of the flare. As I lifted my cries for mercy, I felt something shift in my heart. I still woke with pain that kept me hobbling and stiff, but I felt God's presence confronting my fear and calling me to worship Him right there.


Learning to trust God in chronic illness flares.
Happy Bubbles