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You Get Mail! Sign-ups for Adults, Teens & YA, Children & Tweens. It's safe, secure, and free!


Sign up to receive free, professionally designed and printed, old-school, #PenToPaper snail mail throughout the year. When you include your birthdate, we’ll send a special mailing to celebrate you! Sign-ups for adults, teens, and children. Your soul may do a little happy dance when you open your mailbox.

Whatever you do, do well. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your strength. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

You Get Mail! • Sign-Up

You Get Mail!


When you subscribe to our blog, devotionals, or newsletters and include your mailing address, beautiful, inspiring free snail mail will arrive in your mailbox. Confirm your sign-up when you open the follow-up email. (Limited international delivery—US, UK, and CA. Residential only. Other restrictions apply.)

You Get Mail - Keep Being Brave - Teen & YA


Teens (ages 12-17) sign up for free snail mail designed especially for you, and then engaging, edgy, and transformational envelopes will wing their way to your mailbox. Reply to the follow-up email within 24 hours to confirm your sign-up.
(Limited international delivery—US, UK, and CA).


Kids Get Mail!


CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad bring laughter and delight in every envelope—and want children (ages 5-11) to know how much Jesus loves them. Parent must be a subscriber. Reply to the follow-up email within 24 hours to confirm your sign-up.
(Limited international delivery—US, UK, and CA).



Handwritten notes remind someone they are thought of, cared about, and prayed for. Short notes bring a sweet touch of encouragement and make a big difference. Our words can be a glimmer of hope to someone who is hurting.

#PenToPaper • A Ministry of Connection

#PenToPaper • A Ministry of Connection

Handwritten notes remind someone they are thought of, cared about, and prayed for. Short notes bring a sweet touch of encouragement. • Your words can be a glimmer of hope to someone who is hurting.​ Discover ideas to get you started, note starters (a few words to help you begin).


PenToPaper-Note Starters for Every Day

#PenToPaper: Note Starters for Every Day

This book is brimming with inspiration and is chock-full of note starters. Find words to express compassion, gratitude, celebration, grief, and laughter. Discover fun ways to write to a special child in your life. You will even spot note-starters for difficult relationships. You’ll turn to this faith-filled and thoughtfully curated resource again and again!

Who will you write to today?


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Printables • Downloadable Hope


Downloadable Hope!

Resources, tips, and tools to encourage and inspire everyone affected by chronic illness and pain. There are more than 300 beautifully-designed FREE printables, with more coming regularly. Stop by and download a little hope today—and be sure to check back often to see what's new!


{Thanks for the notecards and fun print materials! I am working on sending #PenToPaper packets out all the time. It’s an honor and pleasure to work with Chronic Joy® to do this. Thank you for including me in this great endeavor!
Dana Stenholtz
Oconomowoc, WI
Dana Stenholtz
{#PenToPaper not only encourages young adults with chronic illness; it also provides the inspiration to write letters to classmates, friends, and loved ones to remind them that they are not alone.
Elyse S.
Liverpool, NY
Elyse Ogbourne
{Chronic Joy blesses me through prayer, email, and [#PenToPaper mailings] cards. I have two adult children on the autism spectrum, who struggle to find their place (even in church) in our uncompassionate world.
Karen S.
Knoxville, TN
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{Thank for the cards and info you sent me to Finland. I received them yesterday just before we had visitors. I shared stories from Chronic Joy®, especially about Bettie G. I felt the lady needed some encouragement, so I have a card and the info you sent. They were returning home to Sweden. Their summer cottage is in Finland. Thank you for all you do for all of us!
Lisa E.
Kaskinen, Finland
Lisa Enqvist
{As a young person dealing with with many chronic illnesses, it can be all too easy to feel isolated. I'm so grateful for Chronic Joy reminding me I'm not alone at all. Scrolling the Prayer Pond, using the Printables, and seeing the daily social media posts all encourage me so much. I especially love the #PenToPaper program. I know how much fun it is to receive a letter or postcard when I'm not able to get out much, and #PenToPaper makes it easy to share the love with others!
Hailey H.
Cumming, GA
Hailey Hudson
{Tonight, after a very long day, I finally got around to the mail and in an unexpected envelope [#PenToPaper packet] was the most extraordinary gift and blessing. When you talk about using your trials to minister, serve, inspire, encourage, love … I do not deserve this gift, but I needed it desperately today and God knew I would and He used you … yet again, to encourage and bless me. You have brought me to tears but they were the kind of tears that encouraged me and blessed me and inspired me … to share life and discover hope. Thanks are not enough … but thank you.
Vicki F.
Johnson Creek, WI
Vicki Fitzsimmons
{Your handwritten card brought tears to my eyes, and my daughter appreciated it soo much! I feel more empowered this year.
Diane B.
Beavercreek, OR
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{Thank you for the ministry you all do. I always seem to get a [You Get Mail!] packet from you guys just when my depression is bad and I seem to need it.
Robin L.
Marksville, LA
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{Thank you for bringing so many such hope, joy, and encouragement. When one of your [You Get Mail!] packets comes in the mail, my soul does a little happy dance. I anticipate being renewed, refreshed, and inspired to bless others when I open it.
Suzan B.
Wales, WI
Suzan Braun
{Chronic Joy has given me a lifeline. I don't feel forgotten. I have been reminded that regardless of my circumstances, I still have worth and matter to others; most importantly, I can show others that they also matter. I've been given a format for self-expression and creativity that has given me the courage to put #PenToPaper.  I have cautioned those I've told about Chronic Joy not to be overwhelmed by the depth and scope of information that is covered and the excitement that ensues when you know they are cognizant of the trials and hurts that have been your daily walk.
Jennifer R.
Owensboro, KY
Chronic Joy Ribbon