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You Get Mail! Sign-ups for Adults, Teens & YA, Children & Tweens. It's safe, secure, and free!


Sign up to receive free, professionally designed and printed, old-school, #PenToPaper snail mail throughout the year. When you include your birthdate, we’ll send a special mailing to celebrate you! Sign-ups for adults, teens, and children. Your soul may do a little happy dance when you open your mailbox.

Whatever you do, do well. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your strength. (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

You Get Mail! • Sign-Up

You will receive a follow-up email that you must open within 24 hours to confirm your sign-up.

(Residential delivery only. Other restrictions may apply.)

You Get Mail!


We would love to bless you with inspiring images, encouraging words, and an opportunity to share a little #PenToPaper love with others. Sign up today to receive your own beautifully designed, free snail mail packets. Open the follow-up email (within 24 hours) to confirm your sign-up. (Limited international delivery—US, UK & CA).

You Get Mail - Keep Being Brave - Teen & YA


Teens (ages 12-17), you're invited to sign up for free #PenToPaper mailings designed especially for you. Engaging, edgy, and transformational snail mail will wing its way to your mailbox throughout the year. Sign up today and invite a friend! Reply to the follow-up email within 24 hours to confirm your sign-up. (Limited international delivery - US, UK & CA).


Kids Get Mail!


CJ Star and the Sonshine Squad want children (ages 5-11) to know how much they are loved by Jesus. Engaging characters bring laughter, delight, and sunshine to even difficult days. Parents, SIGN UP your child (and their siblings). (Sign-ups are free.) Parent must be a subscriber. (Limited international delivery - US, UK & CA).



Handwritten notes remind someone they are thought of, cared about, and prayed for. Short notes bring a sweet touch of encouragement and make a big difference. Our words can be a glimmer of hope to someone who is hurting.


#PenToPaper • A Ministry of Connection

Handwritten notes remind someone they are thought of, cared about, and prayed for. Short notes bring a sweet touch of encouragement. • Your words can be a glimmer of hope to someone who is hurting.​ Discover ideas to get you started, note starters (a few words to help you begin).


PenToPaper-Note Starters for Every Day

#PenToPaper: Note Starters for Every Day

This book is brimming with inspiration and is chock-full of note starters. Find words to express compassion, gratitude, celebration, grief, and laughter. Discover fun ways to write to a special child in your life. You will even spot note-starters for difficult relationships. You’ll turn to this faith-filled and thoughtfully curated resource again and again!

Who will you write to today?


Buy from Amazon

Printables • Downloadable Hope


Downloadable Hope!

Resources, tips, and tools to encourage and inspire everyone affected by chronic illness and pain. There are more than 250 beautifully-designed FREE printables, with more coming regularly. Stop by and download a little hope today—and be sure to check back often to see what's new!


{Thank you for the ministry you all do. I always seem to get a [You Get Mail!] packet from you guys just when my depression is bad and I seem to need it.
Marksville, LA
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{I appreciate your ministry a lot. It has given me much encouragement as I’ve gone through chronic pain, and your letters have reminded me to focus on Christ. I also love how you share things to bless others with, such as flat cards and mini- cards. It is a joy to focus on other people […]
Stuart, FL
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{Thank you for bringing so many such hope, joy, and encouragement. When one of your [You Get Mail!] packets comes in the mail, my soul does a little happy dance. I anticipate being renewed, refreshed, and inspired to bless others when I open it.
Wales, WI
Suzan Braun
{I was so incredibly touched when my daughter opened her #PenToPaper gift and handwritten encouragement card from Chronic Joy. When they said they wanted to encourage young adults living with chronic illness, I was super impressed … and so grateful when they included my daughter. Young women and men need to hear others care about […]
Columbia, MO
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{“Our mail was full of gorgeous flat cards and precious prayer thoughts! Thank you for sharing the heart of Jesus with us all!!”
Twin Lakes, WI
Bettie Gilbert
{As someone with chronic illness, I am very encouraged by the mailings from Chronic Joy. The information included in each mailing is always helpful and inspirational, and I love receiving the beautiful note cards on which I can write a special message of encouragement and pass on to others. The Chronic Joy team does an […]
Columbia, MO
Emerson Mertens
{I’ve been spending time getting to know your ministry. What a blessing for those who feel so isolated to offer prayer, support, sending mail and prayer shawls….. I feel like everything I have learned and the Lord brought me through these last 20 years was to prepare me to be able to offer my support […]
Essex Junction, VT
Chronic Joy Ribbon
{Mine [#PenToPaper packet] has been duly received this week and greatly appreciated! Thank you so much, Chronic Joy, for sending out these small packages of encouragement, inspiration and hope. They are lovely soul food. A treat to receive and pass on to others as well!
Norwich, Norfolk U.K.
{AMAZING! I received the mail packet and am grateful and inspired by the amazing ways you – Chronic Joy – are inspired to reach out!  Thank you.
Wauwatosa, WI
Julie Sheridan-Smith
{Thank for the cards and info you sent me to Finland. I received them yesterday just before we had visitors. I shared stories from Chronic Joy®, especially about Bettie G. I felt the lady needed some encouragement, so I have a card and the info you sent. They were returning home to Sweden. Their summer […]
Kaskinen, Finland
Lisa Enqvist