Servant-Hearted Leadership: Called to Listen, Lead, and Love Like Jesus
Servant-Hearted Leadership
This one-of-a-kind resource book includes 12 chapters, each followed by actionable, practical tips for growth that you will turn to again and again.
Servant-hearted leadership equips God’s people to become whom He has called, created, and gifted them to be.
Unlike culturally accepted leadership models, servant-hearted leadership is not about a title or position, education or experience, authority or power. It is about sacrificially serving one another in love – exactly as we are and exactly where we are.
As we foster our connection with Jesus, we learn deeper truths about His character, truths that empower us to care for and walk compassionately alongside others.
Jesus is the quintessential definition of servant-hearted leadership, and He leads with love that
- is profoundly patient
- is intentionally kind
- is abundantly humble
- selflessly honors others
- does not envy
- is not easily angered
- keeps no records of wrongs
- rejoices in the truth
- boldly protects
- courageously trusts
- audaciously hopes
- eternally perseveres

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Servant-Hearted Leadership
In the eyes of Jesus, we’re all leaders! What does it mean to listen, lead, and love like Jesus? Each of us is a unique member of the body of Christ with different life experiences, so leading well requires constant dependence on the Spirit to grow as servant-hearted leaders.
I am delighted and excited to recommend and endorse Servant-Hearted Leadership: Called to Listen, Lead, and Love Like Jesus because this book gives biblical and spiritual answers (along with very practical steps) on how to live out servant-hearted leadership in our sphere of influence and our particular circumstances. Using lots of scripture, prayers, illustrations, and possible actions and applications, Chronic Joy has put together an incredible and practical resource for all of us as followers of our Servant-Leader, Jesus Christ. I believe every Christian should read this book and consider how to apply the biblically-based lessons offered in it wherever they can in their daily lives. Buy it – you won’t regret it!
In Servant-Hearted Leadership: Called to Listen, Lead, and Love Like Jesus, Chronic Joy’s writers offer valuable insights into what servant-hearted leadership looks like. The book provides practical and helpful suggestions for turning these insights into cheerful action steps.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Servant-Hearted Leadership presents a solid perspective on genuinely caring for and growing communities. The writers/leaders address how to serve their teams and communities through listening, respect, reflection, and scripture. Fun tools such as the “Mission: Possible” approach to project management are included. I most like the details on how learners can enhance their listening skills. Overall, it is a simple yet impactful read that I recommend for all leaders.
In Servant-Hearted Leadership, Chronic Joy has put together another thoughtful resource. Timely topics from varying perspectives fill the pages. Reconciliation, speaking the truth in love, holding on to hope, or what to say when you don’t know what to say are all addressed. Interlaced with prayers, scriptures, and devotions to encourage us on our leadership journey, each chapter reminds us that we are all leaders as we make a difference one precious life at a time.
Reading Servant-Hearted Leadership was like a breath of fresh air for my soul!
This beautiful book encouraged, challenged, and reminded me that the Holy Spirit is the one who enables me to be more like Jesus – and that is where I want to be.
My biggest takeaway was the loving reminder that listening is offering the gift of full attention.
The book’s heartfelt, loving, and prayerful approach made it a special blessing to me, and I pray that you will be edified in your spirit and in your service to Jesus Christ, just as I was!