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Prayer of Examen

Prayer of Examen


Beautiful in its simplicity, the Examen is an ancient prayer of reflection that helps refocus our hearts and minds. How often do we come to the end of a day and wonder where the time went, regret the way we handled a situation or treated someone, or didn’t take time to celebrate receiving good news?

Show me the way I should go … Teach me to do your will … lead me on level ground. (Psalm 143:8b, 10a10d)

Prayer of Examen

Beautiful in its simplicity, this ancient prayer of reflection helps refocus our hearts and minds. How often do we come to the end of a day and wonder where the time went or regret the way we handled a situation?

The Examen Journal

The Examen Journal: Finding God Every Day

Mary Williams

The Examen Journal is a prayer tool to empower you to reflect on your daily highs and lows to explore God’s presence in your life. Meaningful questions guide your journal entries. Your conversations with God are collected in one place to keep and pray over. The Examen Journal doesn’t require a theology background, scripture knowledge, or a structured study plan. All you need is an honest heart, the desire to be with God, and a few minutes each day.

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A Simple Life-Changing Prayer

A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer: Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen

Jim Manney

For most people most of the time, prayer is hard. It is especially difficult (not to mention unsatisfying) when people experience it as formal, dry, and repetitious. What might happen if you discovered a simple prayer that changed all that? What if you discovered a prayer that changed you? By following five simple yet powerful steps for praying the Examen, we can encounter the God whose presence in our lives can make all the difference in the world.

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100 Names of God

Word by Word: A Daily Spiritual Practice

Marilyn McEntyre

Word by Word is a beautifully- written book of meditations on fifteen well-chosen words. Readers are invited to dwell intentionally with single words: remember their biblical and literary contexts, consider the personal associations they bring up, and allow them to become a focus for prayer and meditation.

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