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Anxiety - Seeking God's Peace

Anxiety • Posts, Books & More

Seeking God’s Peace

Anxiety, fear, and feeling overwhelmed are invitations to lean into the One who knows us best and loves us completely – the God of all comfort.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10)


Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry

Amy Simpson

Our culture is frantic with worry. We stress over circumstances we can’t control, we talk about what’s keeping us up at night and we wring our hands over the fate of disadvantaged people all over the world, almost as if to show we care and that we have big things to care about. Worry is part of our culture, an expectation of responsible people.

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Breaking Anxiety's Grip

Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises

Michelle Bengtson

Ours is an age of anxiety. We worry about our children, jobs, homes, health, and finances. News and social media feed our fears. Even the fear of missing out leads to anxiety. The solution isn’t to rid ourselves of the sources of anxiety but to recognize that anxiety originates from a spiritual influence–and then use the weapons of power, love, and a sound mind to fight back and live in God’s peace.

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Breathe- 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm

Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less and Transform Chaos to Calm

Bonnie Gray

Breathe will guide you to start living in the present moment while replenishing your heart with God’s peace. Let these biblically inspired mindfulness techniques create space for you to fully relax in your loving Savior’s embrace as you enjoy your daily rhythms of rest.

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Following Jesus: Finding Our Way Home in an Age of Anxiety

Henri J.M. Nouwen

At one of the lowest points in Henri Nouwen’s life, he gave a series of lectures on the importance of following Jesus in an age of anxiety. Drawn from those talks, this new work reveals what sustained Nouwen to remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus and led him to become an icon of compassion and vulnerability.

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100 Names of God

What Your Soul Needs for Stressful Times: 60 Powerful Truths to Protect Your Peace

Holley Gerth

Stress is inevitable, but letting it control your life is optional. This 60-day devotional offers spiritual truth to soothe your soul alongside practical tools to apply it that will truly make a difference. Each day, discover Scripture, a prayer, questions for reflection, and inspirational quotes to help you learn to live with more peace and less pressure, more calm and less chaos, more worship and less worry.

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Why Am I Feeling Like This? A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety and Depression

David Murray

If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have asked yourself, Why am I feeling like this? You are not alone. Meet eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you discover not only the common causes but also the keys to unlock their chains. By utilizing God-given truths and tactics, you can experience new liberty, peace, and joy in your life.

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Grace for the Afflicted- A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness

Matthew S. Stanford

Why has the church struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith, and generational sin. In Grace for the Afflicted, Stanford informs us about mental illness from biblical and scientific perspectives.  

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When Anxiety Roars: Partnering with Your Child to Tame Worry and Anxiety

Jean Holthaus

Discover practical steps for children and parents to take together to tame anxiety. Integrating faith with best practices to reduce anxiety, it also teaches coping skills that will help children live more confidently today and into the future.

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When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. (Psalm 94:19

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that You understand the waves of anxiety that can flood our souls so completely.  When those waters seem to overwhelm us, will You help us to look up to You? We long to be consoled, and that is exactly what You offer us. Thank You for the Word spoken from Your own heart for us: YOUR joy can rest inside of us, right here in the midst of our anxieties.

In the name of Your son, Jesus, we pray,


Anxiety: What's Seen/What's Experienced
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The more original a human being is, the deeper is his anxiety. (Søren Kierkegaard)