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Holy Attention

 Holy Attention


Holy Attention, the spiritual discipline of noticing (of being intentionally aware of) God and His creation, draws us into fresh gratitude, recognizing His Hand in every atom of creation.

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it. (Genesis 28:16)


Every moment is a gift. As we learn to focus our attention on God and His creation, we begin to savor and drink deeply of His precious gift of time.

Holy Attention is the spiritual discipline of noticing (of being intentionally aware of) God and His creation.

Our God is a God of details who is present everywherein every cell, every breath, and every atom of creation. He counts the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30) and knows every word on our tongues (Psalm 139:4). He collects our every tear (Psalm 56:8). God notices every detail about us.

We, however, are easily distracted people, often unaware of Immanuel, God with us.

In Genesis 28, Jacob set out on a 550-mile journey to find a wife from among his own people. One night, as he slept, Jacob dreamed about a ladder connecting heaven and earth. In his dream, God promised Jacob descendants outnumbering the dust of the earth, declaring, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go …”

When Jacob woke, he cried, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”

… and I was not aware.


How often do we move through an hour, a day, or even a week, heedless of God’s presence? We know in our heads He has promised:

Yet, how often do we cry out, “Oh, God, where are You?”


How easily we miss the presence of God in our days—and how often we are inattentive and wholly unaware!

We might think it’s because we are flesh and blood, and God is not. Yet even the disciples who walked, talked, traveled, and ate with the one who was fully man and fully God found it difficult to pay attention.

Jesus beseeched Peter, James, and John to keep watch with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane because His soul was consumed with sorrow to the point of death (Matthew 26:38). Yet, they fell asleep three times, failing to keep watch, failing to pay attention.

They knew Jesus. He was right there with them. They could feel His anguish, and still, they failed to keep watch. We are easily distracted people, and learning to pay attention is a life-long pursuitbut one we can improve with practice. How do we do that?

We slow down and observe (intentionally noticing), and little by little, we learn to pay closer attention.


Holy Attention

Eye-Spy • People Watching

Holy Attention draws us into fresh gratitude. When we pay close attention to creation, we can experience the awe and wonder of God’s infinite creativity.

Holy Attention

Sight & Scroll • Spot 1 • Feast

Begin by choosing something specific (a color, shape, sound, object, or even an idea) and looking or listening for it throughout your day. When you find it, take a picture of it or make note of it.

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide

Wonder Walks • A Prayer Guide

Wonder Walks is an invitation to savor God’s holy fingerprint in every atom of creation, to engage our senses, to cultivate curiosity, to listen for His still small voice, and to delight in His extraordinary creativity.

Books We Love

An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith

Holy Noticing: The Bible, Your Brain, and the Mindful Space Between

Charles Stone

Does your life ever feel like one series of rushed moments after another? Do you want to feel more present and connected to those you love? Is it possible to listen without thinking the whole time about what you’re going to say next? Do you want to feel less distracted, less busy, and more whole? Holy Noticing will teach you to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and environment, to recognize Christ’s presence in the moment, and to reduce your stress by developing the ability to focus on God and people rather than tasks. Discover the lost spiritual discipline of holy noticing today and learn to engage the world like Christ.

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An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith

He Speaks in the Silence: Finding Intimacy with God by Learning to Listen

Diane Comer

This book details a search for the intimacy with God every woman longs for. It is a story of trying to be a good girl, following the rules, and longing for a satisfaction that eludes us. Using vivid parallels between her deafness and every woman’s struggle to hear God, Diane learned to listen to God, finding intimacy and soul-deep satisfaction with her Savior.

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