Though few of us would call ourselves creative, that amazing grace gift is woven into our DNA. As we engage with God, He ignites our curiosity, waking us to wonder and the joy of possibility. Today, be brave. Be curious. Create!
It was by Him that everything was created: the heavens, the earth, all things within and upon them, all things seen and unseen … Every detail was crafted through His design, by His own hands, and for His purposes … It is His hand that holds everything together. (Colossians 1:16-17)
We were created by God, the one who created everything from nothing, the one who refracts three primary colors into nearly 10 million hues distinguishable by the human eye, the one who formed the human ear to discern almost 330,000 frequencies, the one who designed the human nose to detect more than one trillion scents.
This same God created more than 8 million species of animals, 32,000 species of fish, one million species of insects, more than 9,000 species of birds, 60,000 species of trees, 12,000 species of grass, and 391,000 species of flowering plants.
God has also breathed life into almost one hundred billion beloved humans since the beginning of time, each with a unique, one-of-a-kind personality and individually distinguishable fingerprints. “No two alike. There has never been another one just like this one, and there never will be again,” said Rev. Karl Schimpf as he blessed each new baby brought into his congregations.
The creativity of God is spectacular! We witness it in every breath of every hour of every single day.
Since the beginning of time, every person has been, is now, and will be creative. Creativity is written in our DNA. We (the Body of Christ) are one great big, extravagant, creative community—and together, we represent the fullness of our Creator God here on earth.
Yet relatively few of us would call ourselves creative. Why?
Somewhere along the path to adulthood, many of us took off our creative hats, set them aside, and never looked back, investing our time and talents in “more productive” ways instead.
We forget that creativity isn’t easy. It requires fewer lightning-bolt moments of inspiration and many more labors of love. It requires time poured out, courage plucked up, and curiosity piqued. It also involves practicing wonder and daring to dream. It requires determination and perseverance, working through sweat and tears, and (often) experiencing a whole lot of failure.
For many of us, the creative journey is filled with missteps, flopped soufflés, dropped stitches, rejected manuscripts, major fumbles, and spectacular failures. Yet (even in fear, even with anxiety crawling up the back of our necks, even in sorrow, even at our most abject), when we create, we reflect something of God back to God.
Creativity is vulnerable. Fear of failure can tempt us to step away and play it safe. Yet each time we lean in to the presence of Jesus as we wait on a table, pluck the guitar strings, plant a row of seeds, knead bread dough, throw a pot, cut or color a client’s hair, listen to a patient’s heartbeat or a little bit of their story, we fall a little more in love with God and His beloved creation.
Creating gives profound joy. We create because we were designed to create. It’s written in our DNA—and every time we create, we become a little more like Jesus.
Today, be brave. Be curious. Create!

Contemplative coloring draws us into the presence of God as we release stress, anxiety, and worries. Color your way closer to God and explore your creativity with hues of red, yellow, blue, vibrant, and pastel. LEARN MORE.

NOTICE. CLICK. TREASURE. ENJOY! Photography invites us to rediscover the wonder and beauty of God’s creation (vibrant colors, light and shadows, the everyday and the unusual) one click at a time. LEARN MORE.

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Chronic illness can be isolating and lonely, but sharing our stories can open a door, extending hope and sometimes sparking a life-giving, life-changing conversation with someone else along the way. We’d love to hear your story. LEARN MORE.
Kindness with Every Stitch – Prayer shawls are blessings of connection, kindness, comfort, and compassion, stitched with prayer and gifted to those who are struggling with illness, pain, anxiety, depression, loneliness, loss, or grief—a gift to the maker and receiver. LEARN MORE.

A Bridge Between Pain and Understanding – Describing pain to someone who hasn’t experienced it is often challenging. Using metaphors can bridge the chasm, reframe our thoughts, and invite deeper understanding. LEARN MORE.
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