Radical Connection Posts

Happy Bubbles

Love Without Labels

To love without labels we must take the time to talk to others and ask questions. Search for that deep treasure within the one who is hurting and longing for a touch of kindness and fellowship.


"To love without labels we must take the time to talk to others and ask questions. Search for that deep treasure within the one who is hurting and longing for a touch of kindness and fellowship." MaryAnne Constantine

Reflections of Love from the Heart

We can be reflections of love, because as God fills us with His love, He changes us. I pray you are encouraged to be a beautiful reflection of Jesus Himself to others around you.


“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." John 13:34-35

Radiate Love through Intentional Kindness

Sometimes intentional kindness begins without much thought. It’s just a risk and reaction in the moment. Then comes the doubt, the fear. Can I really radiate kindness? But without the risk, there is little hope that the hunger for friendship and connection will ever be filled. But with it we radiate love.


Radiate Love through Intentional Kindness
Happy Bubbles
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