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Pain Posts

Happy Bubbles

When the Pain is too Painful

Have you ever experienced something so painful that you wanted to shut down and never turn back on? Have you ever felt so crushed that, at least for the moment, you couldn’t imagine ever getting back up? For me, in between the screams that the spasms triggered, the only words I could muster were, “God, help me! God, help me! God, help me!”


"So, what do you do when the pain is so deep that you can’t think of anything else but the pain? " Dr. Paul Tripp

Growing in Compassion

I find joy in my brokenness – in my chronic illness, in my disability, in my pain – because it becomes a bridge that connects my story to another person's story. Usually, my cane provides an opportunity to connect with a stranger and show them compassion in a way that I simply could not have done otherwise.


"I had become accustomed to thinking of my physical differences as something that separated me from others instead of connecting me to them. How many opportunities did I miss because of that frame of mind?" Adriana Hayes

I Watch

I watch, Father, as my heart struggles to know what to do, how to do it, and how to bring comfort where there is so much pain.


"You will watch me, Father, as I keep on drawing my strength from You, giving You my deepest longings, knowing that You will meet me in the cry of my heart. I will watch you, Father, as You lead me through the desert one step at a time." Kim Moir
Happy Bubbles