Grief Posts

Happy Bubbles

Don’t Sing Happy Songs to a Heavy Heart

Singing happy songs to a heavy heart is cruel. Don’t tell grieving people that their pain is a gift or make them sing praise songs when they don’t want to. Don’t tell them that other people are suffering more than they are.


“Whoever sings songs to a heavy heart is like one who takes off a garment on a cold day...” Proverbs 25:20

What I Need to Know About Pain

I know Pain sometimes wins. There are just days we can’t rally, but we serve the Suffering Savior, a personal God who GETS Pain, who doesn't abandon us. Pain is how we share in the sufferings of Christ.


"Pain can connect us to one another at a deep level ... sifting all the insignificant away, leaving behind only the things, the people, that matter." Stefanie Boyce

Traumatic Loss • A Story of Survival

Facing traumatic loss is about keeping our sanity and taking care of those who depend on us, all the while deciding how we are going to face this new unwelcome reality. I learned at so many points that I had to look straight at the loss or I could not find comfort.


"The word itself, survive, means to continue to live or exist, especially in spite of hardship or danger." Mel Lawrenz

Grieving with Hope • Journaling, Poetry and Lament

There are times in our lives to mourn and grieve, but it is so important not to lose hope. For those of us who know Jesus, we cling to an everlasting hope. As we grieve and mourn, let us also remember to encourage each other, to look for the joy in life no matter where we go.


"My creativity can be an act of worship, too." Gayl Wright
Happy Bubbles
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