The Intercessory Ministry of Prayer Shawls
Part of creating hand-made shawls is the spiritual discipline of intercessory prayer for those who will receive them. Both the shawl maker and the recipient are invited to practice the presence of God.
Part of creating hand-made shawls is the spiritual discipline of intercessory prayer for those who will receive them. Both the shawl maker and the recipient are invited to practice the presence of God.
Taking things for granted happens in many areas of our lives – but intentionally pausing to reflect can reorient us. This happened to me recently as I reflected on the phrase “in Jesus’ name.”
Exchanging our expectations for God-focused expectancy opens the door to persevering faith and joy. His wisdom is boundless. His mercy is sure. He is entirely trustworthy for every season of our lives.
I found myself exploring The Prayer of Examen during a low point in my mood. I didn’t feel like putting the work into changing how I was feeling and was caught by the description that it could help us to refocus our hearts and minds.