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Devotional Posts

Happy Bubbles

I Watch

I watch, Father, as my heart struggles to know what to do, how to do it, and how to bring comfort where there is so much pain.


"You will watch me, Father, as I keep on drawing my strength from You, giving You my deepest longings, knowing that You will meet me in the cry of my heart. I will watch you, Father, as You lead me through the desert one step at a time." Kim Moir

Crossroads of Suffering and Joy

At first glance, suffering and joy seem mutually exclusive. Yet, Chronic Joy’s “Suffering & Joy” printable resource reveals how the two are intertwined.


"At a moment when I desperately needed hope, 'Suffering & Joy' pointed me toward God’s life-giving truth." Lee Ann Zanon

Springtime Praise and Thanksgiving

We bring our praise to You, O God. To whom else shall we go? We are a people custom-made to praise You. So, we do! For rivers of water in dry places, for majestic mountains and mighty oceans, we praise You. We praise You for green, green, GREEN everywhere we look these spring days.


“As we lean into the newness of nature, the color, moisture, and sheen of things, will You give us eyes to see the newness You are creating within us, too?” Diana Trautwein

My True Healing

I am so thankful that through this time of pain and uncertainty, God has moved in my life, healing my soul so I can experience joy even though my physical circumstances have not changed.


“God has reached out to me through this time of pain, immobility, and dependence ... My current bout of illness has provided (rather, forced) the opportunity to step off the busy merry-go-round ... and be still: to sit in silence, listen to what is on my mind, and let God do some healing in me.” Sarah Smith
Happy Bubbles