Creative Sparks Posts

Happy Bubbles

Good-Better-Best • Poetry Prompt

Michael would sometimes lead a drill called Good-Better-Best, where participants give Good work for a specific period of time, then Better for a shorter period, then their Best for a brief spurt, maybe for only 10 seconds. I'll never know what those bursts felt like to him on his bad days. He smiled through it.


Michael Walter - I can’t think of anyone who so lived a life of Chronic Joy." Megan Willome •

Radiate Love through Intentional Kindness

Sometimes intentional kindness begins without much thought. It’s just a risk and reaction in the moment. Then comes the doubt, the fear. Can I really radiate kindness? But without the risk, there is little hope that the hunger for friendship and connection will ever be filled. But with it we radiate love.


Radiate Love through Intentional Kindness
Happy Bubbles
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