Sufficient Grace
In a place where I knew I truly was NOT enough, a joy had been gifted to me. A sufficiency beyond my own carried me when I saw no other way.
In a place where I knew I truly was NOT enough, a joy had been gifted to me. A sufficiency beyond my own carried me when I saw no other way.
Every day our culture bombards us with messages of self-empowerment. We are told to take charge of our life, push ourselves to the max, and have a “can do” attitude. Every day your illness may bring many challenges, but you can rest in God’s loving arms, reminding yourself, “God’s got it!” You were never meant to do this alone!
None of us knows the future, but those caring for children with chronic health conditions must often navigate a heavy fog covering the path in front of us. It's thick with questions, unknowns, and uncertainties.
When we point one another to Christ during our struggles, we can grow stronger, sharper, more beautiful together. The journey is richer.