Mental Illness Posts

Happy Bubbles

A Stable Place on the Emotional Roller Coaster

I used to think the phrase “chronic pain” pertained primarily to physical symptoms — aching joints, relentless fatigue, involuntary movements, difficulty with everyday tasks, and more. Yet in the three years since my pain journey began, I’ve found myself riding an emotional roller coaster I didn’t see coming.


"The emotional roller coaster of chronic pain can derail our sense of well-being. God promises to carry us through, no matter our ups and downs." Lee Ann Zanon

Making Space for Love to Grow Afresh

Depression stunts curiosity and robs us of the continued growth that stokes the embers back into flame. Stepping away from the ordinary moments of my life allowed me to miss them, to miss my husband. When I returned home, I saw him with new eyes –and I was able to love him better.


"And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another." 1 Thessalonians 3:12a

Praying Together when your Loved One has Depression

They began to pray together again — because she asked him to. The darkness didn’t feel quite so lonely anymore When you pray with someone, Jesus comes and stands in the gap between you and joins his heart with both of yours.


"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20
Happy Bubbles

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