Lost at Sea: Understanding Depression & Offering Companionship
Depression isn’t easy to understand. We can offer companionship to those adrift on its turbulent waters. A person in depression may not smile.
Depression isn’t easy to understand. We can offer companionship to those adrift on its turbulent waters. A person in depression may not smile.
Discover 3 keys for contentment: rejoicing, prayer, and thankfulness. These can make you feel glad-hearted and embrace the joy of the Lord.
During a time of deep depression, I felt my life was purposeless and empty. In desperation (and having no idea how they could possibly help me), I turned to the spiritual leaders in my radical community. They told me my burden was now theirs.
I love the word prevail, especially when paired with peace. Knowing I can experience inner calm, even when chronic pain triggers anxiety, settles my soul.