Audio Resources


An Invitation to Listen

Audio is an invitation to listen, to be engaged and enriched through one-on-one storytelling, anytime and in any place, through the caring, compassionate, and friendly voices of Chronic Joy’s guest writers and of our own Voices of Chronic Joy® volunteers.

Happy Bubbles

Created to Celebrate

We are created to celebrate. Celebration is a spiritual discipline rooted in our trust in the character of God and our need to thank Him for His goodness.


Celebration is the heart of the way to Christ.

The Intercessory Ministry of Prayer Shawls

Part of creating hand-made shawls is the spiritual discipline of intercessory prayer for those who will receive them. Both the shawl maker and the recipient are invited to practice the presence of God.


Creating prayer shawls is a spiritual discipline of intercessory prayer.

Our Steady Hope

Despite years of medical interventions, my challenges were now worse than ever. Dare I risk disappointment yet again? After prayerful reflection, I knew the answer was “Yes.” God reminded me that my hope was ultimately in Him, beyond any human wisdom or cure.


Expectations will crush you.
Happy Bubbles

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